本研究解析台灣圖書出版領先業者如何在以數位化及華文出版共同市場為條件的情況下,經由「生產面加值」與「銷售面加值」,尋覓適切的因應困境、追求發展與成功之經驗。研究以六個個案的多個案比較為主要的設計,依次進行生產面加值、銷售面加值、數位出版利用、及華文出版整合四個領域的分析和比較。連貫整個研究,發現個別個案公司所具優勢條件和機會不同,而在加值方式上,對於生產面、銷售面加值及數位化利用、華文出版整合等環節,各有不同的偏重和組合,但是,六個個案全都已投入華文市場的整合,進行著兩岸出版合作與投資的活動。依據研究發現,研究提出華文出版整合模式,並討論其應用性。對於華文出版共同市場的發展及後續的研究議題,也提列了建議。 This research tries to analyze leading publishers' experiences in Taiwan, while they face the situations of digitalization and Chinese publishing common market. How they adapted in difficult business situations and to been success through "production value- added" and "sales value- added"approaches was studied. Multiple-case studies based on 6 individual cases are used as the methodology of this research; comparative analysis and study was performed on a sequential basis in 4categories: production value- added, sales valueadded, digitalization and the integration of Chinese publishing. The research findings, via the entire research process, are : all case companies process different competitive advantages and opportunities, therefore adopted different approaches or combination of approaches via production value-added, sales value-added, digitalization or integrated Chinese publishing. However, all case companies have already engaged in Chinese publishing integration and cooperation and investment activities across two sides of the Strait. The research also provided the integration framework of Chinese publishing as well as its application.