權宜雇用人力隨著整體產業環境的變化而日漸增加,圖書出版業亦然。對管理者而言,瞭解該類受雇者對於勞雇關係,以及其對於勞雇雙方彼此應盡的責任義務內容的看法,才能有效運用此類型人力。 本研究針對權宜雇用之僱用關係的特性,參酌組織與個人關係理論,並依據買賣關係觀點,提出權宜雇用人員對勞雇關係的認知的假設,據以發展權宜雇用人員心理契約的研究架構,探究其心理契約之內涵以及相關影響因素。在方法上,採質化及量化並行的方式,分別以深度訪談及問卷調查進行資料的收集與分析。 本研究經實證調查,得出如下研究結果:權宜雇用人員對勞雇關係本質的認知,符合假設所提出之交易主導型。權宜雇用受雇者心理契約之內涵,包括雇主應盡責任之福利與資源提供、薪酬、善待員工,以及業務交付等四個構面;以及員工應盡責任之協助公司及自我能力提升、完善處理工作、保密及同儕相處等三個構面。此外受雇者個人背景之年齡與教育程度不同;工作脈絡之權宜雇用的類型、業務內容、權宜雇用意願、對出版社的依賴程度、對未來工作規劃、從事權宜工作的年資、是否曾有全職工作、是否到出版社工作、是否同時與多家公司保持合作關係等差異;以及受雇者對於出版社對待此類受雇人員的方式與態度的感受等,均會對於其心理契約內涵產生影響。 The population of contingent worker is growing up during the recent years due to the industrial environment changing, as well as in the book publish industry. It is important for managers to understand the perspective of contingent worker on employment relationship, and perception of reciprocal obligations between them and the worker, for the purpose of human resources management. The research made a main hypothesis, which assume the contingent worker has a "transaction-domained" psychological contract style with their employer. The assumption is according to the characteristic of contingent employment and the theory of organization- individual relations. Based on that, the researcher develops the framework and hypothesis for the research to test. According to the results of in-depth interview and questionnaire survey, this study present the major findings as following: (1) The hypothesis of the contingent worker has a "transaction-domained style" psychological contract with their employer was accepted. (2) As the content of psychological contract, the contingent worker believed that the employer should providing good welfare to and resources for the contingent worker to make work done, payment, and treats kindly the employee. While the contingent worker believed that they have to make contributions for organizational profit and promoting self-competence, high quality performance, keep business security and make associate relationship well as the same time. (3) The psychological contract will be affected by the background and experiences of contingent worker, as well as the treatment to contingent worker of the employer.