腎臟移植個案,長期面對疾病的心理層面,顯然有著各自不同獨特的壓力與調適之心理狀態,及因應長時間持續心理壓力之措施。本研究以病患經歷腎臟移植經驗作為研究主題,選擇五位個案,分別為血液透析二位、腹膜透析三位,性別為男性二位與女性三位、將既有的慢性病透析病患角色轉化為重新經驗腎臟移植成功與失敗之經驗。探討個案在接受腎臟移植時所面對的壓力、因應措施,以及重新體驗生命重生的喜悅到存在當下所發生的心理狀態。 本研究主題採用質性半結構深入訪談方式,透過訪談文本之主題分析所得到的結果分別為「腎臟移植之復原經驗」、「正向與負向情緒之間擺盪」、「存在心理歷程」、「從受苦經驗體悟苦樂參半的人生」、「家庭支持的重要」「社會福利的重要」等六個主題命名來詮釋腎臟移植個案之心理分析,希望將研究資料的結論提供給臨床醫學,作為醫、病關係之間的照護參考,並且提供給等待腎臟移植病患,腎臟移植之前的心理準備,以及其他腎臟移植病患不同心理分析之參考。 The Psychoanalysis is conducted of kidney transplantation patients, who face long-term disease threats, obviously have different unique pressures, adaptation to pressures and methods dealing with long term mental stress. This study is focused on the mental process of patients who used to take dialysis before they underwent kidney transplantation successfully or not. Five patients are selected, three of them took hemodialysis and the other two took continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis; two are male and three are female. Mental processes of patients are investigated from facing pressure, adaptation to the pressure, realization of rebirth happiness to existential at the moment. Qualitative-research method is conducted in this work through deeply interview with patients. After Thematic analysis on the gathered information, the mental process is divided as "the recovery experience of kidney transplantion", "positive and negative motion oscillation", "existential metal process", "learn sweet and bitter life from suffering experiences", "the power of family supports" and "the importance of social welfare". The work provides information about different mental processes of kidney transplantation patients. It would be useful to clinical therapy for taking care of patients and be helpful to the mental preparation of those who are waiting for kidney transplantation.