本研究旨在探討高中生冒險行為與死亡擬人化的現況及相關,並綜合研究結果提出具體建議,作為發展生命教育與相關人士的參考。本研究採用調查研究法,採分層隨機抽樣方式。研究對象為就讀於中部地區七縣市的公私立高中(職)學生共1168人。問卷分成三個部分,第一個部分為「個人背景資料調查表」共計十題;第二個部分為「冒險行為量表」共計十七題;第三部分為「死亡擬人化問卷」共計十六題。所得資料採描述性統計、平均數、標準差、單因子變異數分析、t-檢定、卡方分析等統計方法加以處理。 根據研究發現,歸納研究結論如下: 一、高中生的死亡擬人化以負向意象為多、性別不拘。 二、高中生的死亡擬人化意象可歸納為五種類型。 三、高中生的冒險行為偏低。 四、高中生的冒險行為與死亡擬人化具有部分相關。 根據研究結果,研究者提出具體建議,包括死亡擬人化之運用、傳播媒體與未來研究等方面,以作為推動生命教育及後續研究之參考。 This study is aimed to investigate high school students' risk-taking behaviors, their mental images of death personification, and the connection between the two. The data collection instrument was a modified questionnaire, which was distributed to 1168 senior high students from schools located in seven different geographical areas in Taiwan. The target population was sampled by random. The first part of the questionnaire was used to elicit the subjects' demographic data. The second part involved 17 questions inquiring about participants' risk-taking behaviors. The third part focused on students' mental images of death personification, consisting of 16 items. The data collected was analyzed by descriptive statistics, one-way analysis of variance, t test, and Chi-square test. The study results show that (a) the participants' mental images of death personification were not gender-specific, were generally negative-oriented and could be subsumed under 5 label types, (b) the frequency of the participants' risk-taking behaviors was low; and (c) the participants' risk-taking behaviors and their mental images of death personification were partially related. Based on the study results, suggestions were made to practitioners and researchers in the fields of life education and mass media.