人一生最重大的關鍵時期正是嬰幼兒階段,此時自然環境的影響將塑造一生的體格、性格乃至成就。基本的嬰幼兒成長環境探討也勢必是自然醫學最起始最根本的一步。 本計畫與大林鎮衛生所合作,針對2003.07到2004.07大林鎮入籍之所有一歲以下嬰幼兒進行全面性的訪查。首先以「簡易兒童發展檢核量表」內容修飾為電話問卷後,及加上現行兒童健康手冊上的「台灣地區兒童體重曲線表」作為初篩工具,篩檢出發育遲緩的兒童,再針對一些環境背景因子做統計上的比較,試著找出足以妨礙嬰幼兒的身心發展的因素,進而探討出矯正及改善之方法。 本地大林鎮是以農業為主的鄉鎮,近年來外籍女性配偶增加很多。本研究著重在養育環境上的探討,對於同一農村環境下,不同國籍的母親、母乳的撫育與否、主要照顧者是否為母親、出生胎次、體重增加是否過多等不同的因素下成長的兒童一歲時的發展情形加以比較研究,是為本次研究的主要重點。 有195個兒童及家庭接受追蹤訪問。統計上發現,體重過重會影響到幼兒發展。(P=0.039)而母親為外籍的嬰幼兒和體重發展不如預期也有相關。(P=0.045) 其它因子並未有顯著相關。 The most important period of human being is during the child development. Consequently, natural environment will establsih the individual body, spirit and success in life. The original thought of this study is the initial and the first step basic considerations on the environmental aspects of the child development in the natural healing sciences. This study was based on the co-operational studies between the local in Dalin Town and our hospital before. We tried to do the overall screen and research about the development conditions of the infants (< 1 year old) in Dalin Town during 2003, 07-2004, 07. The initial screen tests were Simplified Child Development Screening Test and the curve figure of infant body weight in Taiwan. The telephone visiting was undergone with every infants living in Dalin Town were rolled in. This study was carried out on the infants at 4, 6, 9 and 12 months old. Thus, we can try to search the reduction for the underlying factors bothering the development of our infants. In the children with overweight potential, the incidence of total developmental retardation potential was higher than the overall children.(P=0.039) In addition, comparing with the incidence of non-ideal bodyweight gain, the children who were born by the mother coming from foreign were higher than the children born by local mothers.(P=0.045) However, in our studies, sex, breast-feeding, main caregiver, minor perinatal events did not show the dominant influence yet. The new underlying problems bothering the development condition of the infants is presented in our study.