二十一世紀步入全球化的時代,資訊、交通傳遞無遠弗屆,異文化的交流與對話變成空前的頻繁,外來種種衝擊的議題愈顯得重要,但外來文化經過相當時期之在地融合,它將又成為另一階段之本土。台灣文化也經由多次這樣的循環,脫胎換骨。 在台灣早到與晚到的「外來」文化,都以當時不同的「現代性」特質,循環更替的留在台灣本土意識的深層或淺層中;台灣文化發展具有域外的新元素,更具有當時「現代性」的面向,引領一時風潮。 除了最早提出創意產業概念政策的英國之外,香港及澳洲也都提出完整的文化產業概念,韓國近年來在數位內容、遊戲等相關產業的發展上也有傲人的表現,丹麥政府對文化產業價值的創造及文化產業的推動不遺餘力。至於台灣,則在民國91年由行政院提出的「挑戰2008:國家發展重點計畫」中,選定了若干未來應優先發展的文化創意產業,並研擬相關政策來落實「產業文化化,文化產業化」之目標,充分地展現了政府推動文化創意產業的強烈企圖心。 現今台灣社會相當重視的文化包裝之逆向需求便是因應消費文化而生。但面對被時代進步而逐漸淘汰的傳統產業,民間團體與產業組織開始宣導開發另一種經由文化的加值以及透過在地性符號之轉化所形成的具獨特性、單一性的創意商品。而這種透過由地方產業與消費市場達成共識所引發的產品需求,則是現階段最適合發展的逆向需求導向的產業生產架構。 然而在發展文化產業的環節中,藝術原創者的創作意願與所產生的利己或利他價值觀的論定,將會直接衝擊到整體文化創意產業未來發展的範疇,因此,更積極的找尋可以激勵原創藝術工作者,進而建立一個永續發展的操作模式,對於國家及社會面向上,是急迫的關鍵,所以,本論文將在有限的時間與資料上,儘力探討攸關整體文化創意產業面走向非營利化的議題,也期望有所貢獻。 基於研究文化產業與非營利組織的策略結合的可能性與研究的價值上,選擇對文化產業中有關「研發」及「生產」的兩大階段,深入分析其各自的領域,期望以導引「文化產業」到「非營利化」的界面,就是戀棧文化產業的開創性,與對非營利組織的發展性上,提供其具有潛在發展力的激起,也協助雙方在未來競爭力的結合構面中,取得最佳的組合模式。 Taiwanese culture is affected by early and latest "imported" cultures and shows its "modernized" face in different age. These imported factors stay in deeper or facial conception in Taiwanese culture. The development of Taiwanese culture has external stimulation and also its own "modernized" aspects and it makes Taiwanese culture a trend. Nowadays, Taiwan society takes culture seriously because of consumerism. Facing declined traditional industry, non-government group and industrial organization start to encourage a way to develop a unique and only commodity which is transformed by local symbol and traditional culture. It’s the best movement that local industry and consumer market. In the segment of develop culture industry, the artist's creative concept and creative outcome, no matter egotism or altruism, will directly affect the whole culture industry development. Hence, the urgent need for nation and society is to find out a continuously and practical method which can inspire creative artistics. This thesis will discuss the creative industry move towards non-commercialized development based on certain time and data. Based on the possibility and study value of culture industry and non-commercialized organization strategy combination, the thesis chooses "RD" and "production" related two stages to deeply study and analyze its own area. Hope it can conduct "culture industry" to "non-commercialized development", that is to say, the creation of culture industry, and provide stimulation on potential development of non-commercialized organization, and help each other have a best combination.