摘要: | 非法藥物的濫用,一直是社會大眾關注的焦點,亦為我國警政單位所積極改善的首要任務。而在台灣更生保護會實施更生保護之協助與輔導下,煙毒犯之再、累犯人數所占比率竟高達67.6%,因此引發本研究探究煙毒犯對於更生保護成效認知之動機。 本研究以台灣更生保護會台中分會所輔導之煙毒犯為研究範圍與對象,研究方式採問卷調查方式,共發出170份問卷,回收問卷共計170份,廢卷共計4份,共計有效問卷166份,並應用信度分析、描述性統計、變異數分析及Duncan多重檢定及T檢定等統計方法,進行研究結果描述及假設驗證。 研究發現,煙毒犯認為在所有更生協助與輔導項目之「重要度」方面,以「更生保護會的職業訓練輔導」最重要;在「滿意度」方面,以「更生保護會的家庭訪視調查」與「更生保護會的家庭慰問」最滿意;在「成效」方面,以「加強就業的信心」一項最好。更生協助與輔導之「重要度」與「滿意度」在「個人基本資料」方面,顯示在「婚姻狀況」、「勒戒/戒治前職業」上,有顯著差異存在;而在「施用毒品狀況」方面,在「戒治次數」、「施用毒品動機」、「施用毒品頻率」、「施用毒品期間」及「面臨主要的問題」上,有顯著差異存在。 更生協助與輔導之「成效」在「個人基本資料」方面,顯示在「勒戒/戒治前職業」上,有顯著差異存在;而在「施用毒品狀況」方面,顯示在「戒治次數」、「施用毒品動機」、「施用毒品頻率」及「施用毒品期間」上,有顯著差異存在。 依據各項研究結果,本研究提出以下建議1.在個案輔導程序上的建議:針對煙毒犯進行個別診斷,並提供相關之輔導與協助,以提高輔導成效;2.戒毒輔導之專業人力的進用與訓練:於戒治所或更生保護會中增加心理師或社工人員,針對煙毒犯進行心理治療與復健,將可使煙毒犯之戒毒成效更佳;3.在反毒廣告上:應加強施用毒品的缺點及法律問題,並呼籲社會大眾勇敢拒絕毒品,以降低想嚐試毒品人口的好奇心;4.針對施用毒品前無職業之煙毒犯及極需就業協助之煙毒犯:加強職業輔導,使其獲得一份安定的工作;5.針對毒品施用期間長、頻率高之煙毒犯:施以特別的輔導,並加強法治教育或心理層面之輔導與協助;6.持續的追蹤與輔導:協助煙毒犯遠離毒品,加強戒毒決心。 Illegal drug-using of abuse arouses great concerns for the public as always, and also utmost improvement for Taiwan Police Agency. According to the record from Taiwan After-care Association, the recidivism percentage of drug-using reaches highly 67.6%, that is the reason to research the effect on drug on drug-using offenders. In this study, the drug of offenders consulted by Taiwan After-care Association, Taichung Branch as models, to make a questionnaire for the scope of research. Total 166 questionnaires we distribute 166 valid questionnaires and 4 invalid questionnaires, applied for the reliable analysis, descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVE, Duncan”s test and T test etc, to conduct the description and assumption of results. The obvious discrepancy between ”marriage” and occupation before abstention” is revealed in the personal background of Importance and Satisfaction; as well as using drug, ”abstention times”, “drug-using motivation”, drug-using frequency”,” drug-using duration” and “facing problems” produce the obvious differences. The effect on After-care support and counseling is different from “occupation before abstention” in the personal background, as well as using drug, ”abstention times”, “drug-using motivation”, drug-using frequency” and “drug-using duration” produce the obvious differences. According to the results of this study, the recommendations are: 1.the process of counseling clients: For the purpose of improving the effects on drug offenders, relative assistance and diagnosis are necessary; 2.the recruitment and training of drug quitting counselor: The increasing of psychologist and social worker who execute the psychological treatment and therapy allocated in drug quitting center or After-care Association will effect the success of drug quitting; 3.Anti-durg advertisement: To stress on the defect and law problem and to appeal for rejecting drug-using are subject to reduce the curiosity of drug for the public; 4. The drug abusers of occupation and requested for arranging occupation: To strengthen occupational counseling acquire a stable vocation; 5.The long period and high frequency of using drug abusers: Should be execute special psychological counseling and emphasized on law-related education; 6.Continuous tracing and counseling: To support drug-using offenders away from drug is aimed to reinforce the determination of rejecting drug. |