摘要: | 本論文從探討兩岸開放探親以來之犯罪狀況,諸如偷渡等相關犯罪之研析。並針對目前兩岸共同打擊犯罪所面臨之困境與應有之作為加以探討,再建構以非政府組織為基礎找尋兩岸刑事司法互助之辦法,以期能找出兩岸共同打擊犯罪之策略,進而有效共同打擊兩岸之犯罪。本論文乃以國內非政府組織紅十字會處理偷渡犯遣返文獻為基礎,再輔以警政、海巡、司法機關已偵破之案例,進行非政府組織偷渡犯罪問題之分析研究,並藉由此種研究成果,深入剖析並瞭解現存之偷渡犯罪狀況,諸如偷渡仲介集團之偷渡型態、管道、手法、時間、地點及查獲遣返情形,再針對目前偷渡仲介集團組織犯罪發展趨勢,研擬最有效防制兩岸偷渡犯罪問題的策略。 此外,兩岸應簽訂司法互助協定,相互承認雙方之司法管轄權,並依據「金門協議」精神,針對兩岸偷渡(刑事)犯遣返加強紅十字總會功能性與協調性,建立常態性機制,並排除政治因素介入,使兩岸偷渡犯遣返能順利推展。 由於兩岸偷渡之方式,除少數自行偷渡外,現多透過「蛇頭」或「人蛇集團」等組織性犯罪集團的介入,甚至偷渡者因遭受詐欺、綁架或暴力被迫偷渡,進而從事各種不法活動,當中亦不乏未成年大陸女子情形,其危害社會治安至為嚴重,應列為打擊與偵辦之重點。尤其是近年來,兩岸人蛇集團早已突破藩籬,進行所謂跨境合作犯罪,造成偷渡模式不斷地翻新,危害層面日益擴大,政府相關單位必須採取具體因應作為。長期而言,固應就兩岸政治、司法、經濟、教育、文化等深入剖析,研擬治本之道;短期而言,加強國內各色情場所之查察,向上追查仲介者及大陸女子來源,以掌握、斷絕其偷渡來台賣淫之模式,不失為治標良方。此外,為導正社會不良風氣,可研究藉由透過兩岸媒體宣導兩岸政府嚴禁偷渡之最新重罰政策、查緝成效、判刑情形,甚至偷渡時所發生之種種難測意外不幸,以人道關懷提醒有意偷渡者,並可收降低其偷渡誘因之效。同時鼓勵檢舉大陸地區人民非法入境或藉合法入境從事非法工作之情形,使偷渡犯、從事不法者難覓容身之處,如此多管齊下,必能減緩偷渡現象。 兩岸偷渡犯遣返一直是兩岸間重要議題,尤其政治性因素影響刑事(偷渡)犯遣返最嚴重,另在刑事司法關係上,既非國與國關係,亦非中央興地方關係,在目前兩岸各自宣稱擁有「一個中國」主權,對其各自事實上主權所及統治地區行使司法權下,亦無法以主權國家之間締結國際條約為依據,且亦無共同、統一之法律制度來規範兩岸之間的法律關係,因而達成兩岸刑事司法互助協議有其必要性,此在先前已論及,故兩岸當局若能暫時摒除政治因素,站在共同維護治安、打擊犯罪之立場,由兩岸紅十字會協助刑事(偷渡)犯遣返,訂立兩岸共同打擊犯罪協定與司法互助,此無異是兩岸之福。 The thesis probes into the status of crime since Mainland China and us opened up visiting with close relatives across Taiwan Strait, and aims at the predicament we faced to knock down the crime. Here, I try to build a way helping criminal law work in a legal system based on a non-governmental organization, and hope to find out a strategy to fight with crime in Taiwan and Mainland China in an efficient way. I choose reports of repatriating illegal immigrators from the non-governmental organization, Red Cross, and some cases solved by police, coast defense, and the judiciary, studying and analyzing the problem that illegal immigrators caused, deeply revealing the situation of crime, including patterns, channels, time and location that illegal immigration agency did and how to repatriate the illegal immigrators. Moreover, I'll aim at the illegal immigration movement of organized crime and study the policy to prevent the crime. Mainland China and us should conclude an agreement in judicature, and mutually consent to execute jurisdictions and follow the spirit of "Golden Gate agreement". It's important to improve the ability and co-ordination of Red Cross when they deal with sending back illegal immigrators (criminals), and to build a regular routine without political thinking, so the repatriation can be successfully progressed. The illegal immigrations except few personal actions are mostly proceeded by "snake-head" or " human-trade agency". They might be deceived, kidnapped, or violated to come to Taiwan to be engaged in illegal acts. Many cases are juvenile girls from Mainland China. It seriously jeopardizes the safety of society and should be the priority to deal with. Recently, the human-trade agencies between Taiwan and Mainland China start to cooperate with each other, which caused more problems. The related government dept. should do more solid reactions.In the long term, we should study the root cause and find out how to solve it based on the aspects - politics, judicature, economic, education and literature. In the short term, we can enforce to check brothels, trace the girl source from human-trade agency, and cut their channel to do prostitution. In order to cure unhealthy society, we can stiffen the penalty against illegal immigration, announce the arrested rate and the imprison situation. Let them know the terrible accident might be happened during illegal immigration and remind them in humanity way to lower their willing to do that. At the same time, we can encourage people to inform against any criminal committed by illegal or legal immigrators from Mainland China. Using these ways to intimidate the illegal immigrators/criminals will help to reduce the numbers of illegal immigrations.Repatriating illegal immigrators is a crucial issue between Taiwan and Mainland China for a long time, especially the criminal (illegal immigrators) repatriation influenced by political factor. In the relationship of criminal law and jurisdiction, Taiwan and Mainland China neither the relationship of nation against nation nor the relationship of central government against lower level government administration. Both of us claim that we have sovereignty of "One China" and have right to execute our own law in our jurisdiction. We do not have international agreement to follow or general law to be known by both of us, so it's necessary to have an agreement of criminal law to help us. Just as the points that mentioned above, it will be nice if Mainland China and us can temporarily drop political thinking, stand in the same side to fight with crime, send back criminal (illegal immigrators) through Red Cross and make agreement and law to strike down the crime. |