近年來我國高等教育蓬勃發展,高等及技職體系均急遽增加校數,各個學校都在外在環境的壓力下競爭激烈,不得不跟著改變,因此,組織成員當然有必要需隨著環境的變遷而調整工作態度。學校的改制或更名是否只是名分的更改,或更應追求組織內部的質變,組織如何因應內部組織的變革作內外在的調整,以求積極提升品質。而如何提升品質,則需仰賴組織中成員的努力與表現,換言之,組織成員面對變革的環境,調整心態及工作態度,以追求更好的工作績效。再者成員的滿足情況,是否影響工作態度的關係,工作態度是否影響工作績效,各人口統計變項是否與工作態度與工作績效有關,凡此均為本研究探討的重點。 本文依據前人之相關研究及實務瞭解,歸納後以人口統計變項、滿足因素、工作態度及工作績效等4個研究構面,探討組織變革過程中,組織成員對組織變革的認知、不同背景的組織成員對工作態度及工作績效的差異、組織成員是否會因為工作滿足影響了工作績效、而組織成員的工作態度是否與工作績效有關。藉由問卷結果,由本研究之假設獲得以下結果:在學校組織的變革過程中,校內組織成員對於組織變革的認知是顯著的,而無論組織成員背景情況,組織成員對於工作態度與工作績效上皆較無差異,從研究結果得知工作的滿足會影響到組織成員的工作態度,工作態度的反應也間接的影響到了組織成員的工作績效。 就上述結果,建議組織的管理階層,應體認到好的工作績效,來自於組織成員們克盡職責的工作態度,而工作態度的養成與否,則建立在組織能否滿足成員外在和內在的感受,管理者應多給予滿足組織成員內外感受的環境與制度,並多傾聽成員心聲,同時建立良好溝通管道,如此必能讓組織獲得好的工作績效,進而達到組織永續經營的目標及願景。 The number of polytechnic colleges and universities in Taiwan grows rapidly in recent years. The fierce competition of external environment forces those organizational members have to adjust their working attitude. Facing the improvement of organization, members need to adjust work attitude in order to improve their work performance. Besides, job satisfaction of organizational members might also influence the change of their work attitude and performance. Therefore, the aim of this research is to explore the correlation of job satisfaction, work attitude, work performance and demographic statistics. According to previous research and practical understanding, this research will explore organizational improvement process through four dimensions: work attitude, work performance, job satisfaction and demographic statistics of organizational members. The result of the questionnaire investigation shows that organizational members have high cognition of the improvement process, and the demographic statistics does not have obvious impact on their work attitude and performance. The research result shows that job satisfaction does affect work attitude and performance of organizational members. The finding of this research indicates that job satisfaction influences the work attitude and has obvious impact on work performance. Management levels have to provide better working environment and system in order to improve the job satisfaction of their organizational members. Besides, a well communication channel will also help the organization improve its work performance, furthermore, to achieve organizational sustainability.