2000年代初,正當台中面臨全球化與城市競爭力下降的雙重危機時,胡志強提出了「文化、經濟、國際城」的改革願景,相當程度呼應了此一階段台中城市的欲求,並以「台中古根漢」揭開此國際大計的序幕,作為指標性的象徵。歷史地說,「台中古根漢」計畫,不僅是城市文化建設的興建,更具有形式上空間改造的意義,涉及都市象徵及國際化的層次考量。 「台中古根漢」不僅只是胡志強主政下,以其獨到的文化品味與國際觀的「文化-政治」模式中所推動的城市改造案,由於合作對象是國際知名的美國私人美術館-古根漢-同時存在著爭議性與傳奇性的色彩,是國際博物館界最具話題性的代表,所以此案作為台灣首度跨國合作的大型文化建設案,帶有極大的震撼力與象徵性,雖然也存在著不同文化合作上的困難度與雙方在全球政經架構出的不對等的合作風險,但不可否認的,這是台灣城市因應全球化挑戰的代表性案例,具有重要的意義。 本文希望就「台中古根漢」做一個案的研究,除了描述此一城市文化建設的具體推動過程及台中-古根漢雙方想像外,並期望藉其美學策略和形式處理手法做分析,俾以了解其對於2000年代初台中與台灣所具的特殊意義。在此基礎下,進一步檢討「台中古根漢」作為一個具高度城市象徵的城市改造案,所涉及全球與地方衝突的現象,其所代表的意義希望能作為未來相關實踐參考之依據。 Chi-Chang Hu brought up a vision of "Culture, Economy, Internationalization" when Tai-Chung city was facing the crises of globalization and deficient in city competitiveness in the beginning of 2000. Guggenheim Tai-Chuan was a symbolic prolog of the revolution. Historically, Guggenheim Tai-Chuan is not only a culture establishment, but also a city symbol and internationalization thinking. Guggenheim Tai-Chuan was a project of city redevelopment involving unique culture taste and the model of culture-politics. Since Guggenheim is a famous American private museum with controversial issues, it was very differential to be the first cross-country project of culture development in Taiwan. Although cultural difference caused difficulties to cooperate, it was symbolic and important to Taiwan for the huge challenge in globalization. This article described the execution procedure of this culture development and analyzed its aesthetics strategies to find out the significance Guggenheim brought to Taiwan. Moreover, taking advantage of the case of Guggenheim Tai-Chuan to be a significant sample for future use.