摘要: | 本研究目的主要探討集集觀光意象、遊客滿意度與行為意向之關係。本研究採問卷調查方式,以便利抽樣法,對遊玩集集地區後的遊客進本資料蒐集,總計回收406份有效問卷。資料分析的方式包括描述性統計、信度分析、因素分析、單因子變異數分析及線性結構方程模式。 主要研究結果如下:1.集集遊客居大多住在中部地區,年齡以21歲到30歲居多,單身,學生族群,教育程度多為大專院校。2.在旅遊特性方面,遊客幾乎都是重遊客,大多為當天來回,係朋友同學或同事結伴前來,每人旅遊花費以301元到600元最多,旅遊資訊來源為親友介紹,且順道遊玩其他附近觀光景點。3.觀光意象平均數最高前三者依序分別為,觀光景點有獨特的知名地標、觀光遊憩景點多、景色豐富優美;經因素分析觀光意象簡化成五個因素,分別為內容多樣、環境良善、景點特色、美食購物、資訊豐富4.滿意度平均數最高前三者依序分別為:休憩場所、古蹟遺址、指示牌或標示牌;經因素分析遊客滿意度簡化成五個因素,分別為解說導覽、休閒設施、動線規劃、基本公設、安全設施。5.本研究建立之觀光意向、滿意度與行為意向模式之分析是可被接受的,由模式結果發現,觀光意象對滿意度有顯著正向影響,滿意度對行為意向有顯著正向影響,觀光意象對行為意向有顯著正向影響。 The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship among tourism image, tourist's satisfaction and behavior intention of Chi-Chi area. A structured questionnaire was designed to collect the data form the visitors who have visited the Chi-Chi area. By means of convenience sampling, a total number of 406 valid samples were obtained. The data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, factor analysis, reliability analysis, one-way ANOVA analysis and LISREL. The results are as follows. 1. Most of the visitors are single, aged 21 to 30, live in central part of Taiwan. 2. As far as the travel characteristics, most of the visitors have visited the Chi-Chi area second times or more, do not stay there overnight, have classmates/friends coming with them, have an average expense of 301-600 NT dollars, learn the travel information from friends or relatives, and do visit other scenic spots adjacent to Chi-Chi en route. 3. The three highest means of tourism image are: unique landmarks, various recreational sites and beautiful scenery. With factor analysis, five factors were extracted from tourism image and named as friendly environment, unique characteristics of scenic spots, food/shopping, plentiful information. 4. The three highest means of tourist's satisfaction are: recreational places, historical ruins, and guidance/interpretation signs. With factor analysis, five factors were extracted from tourist's satisfaction and named as tour guidance, recreational facilities, route arrangement, infrastructure and safety facility. 5. The linear structure relation model (LISREL) of tourism image, tourist's satisfaction and behavior intention is found to be acceptable. In addition, the results of the study indicate that: tourism image positively affects tourist's satisfaction, tourist's satisfaction positively affects behavior intention, tourism image positively affects behavior intention. |