摘要: | 政府為疏解職業軍人的工作壓力及因應國人休閒意識之提升,訂頒了與休假有關之規定,鼓勵軍人休假正常化,因此使得職業軍人成為未來旅遊市場中潛在且重要之客群。本研究為目的在瞭解職業軍人海外旅遊參與現況、參與海外旅遊之動機與阻礙因素,影響參與海外旅遊意願之因子。本研究以陸軍航空特戰指揮部為探討的對象。 本研究針對職業軍人進行問卷調查,共得365份有效問卷。研究發現過去五年曾參與海外旅遊活動者佔31%,而未來一年有意願參與者高達81.1%;參與現況方面,則以5天以下、費用60,000元以下及赴亞洲國家的團體旅遊為主。22項旅遊動機問項以「可以參訪具有自然景緻的景點」、「可以拜訪以前未曾去過的地方」、「可以體驗當地特殊氣候」等三項平均數最高;14項旅遊阻礙因素問項則以「擔心排定之遊程與部隊任務衝突」、「擔心部隊長官有意見」、「要輪值留守」等三項平均數最高。經因素分析,旅遊動機問項分為三個因素構面,分別為「精神愉悅」、「社交互動」、「享樂抒壓」;旅遊阻礙問項分為三個因素構面,分別為「心理障」、「工作障礙」、「環境障礙」。運用二元羅吉特迴歸分析個人屬性、旅遊動機、旅遊阻礙三者對未來一年參與海外旅遊意願之影響發現,「工作屬性」、「收入」、「精神愉悅動機」、「工作障礙」是影響職業軍人海外旅遊活動參與意願的重要因素。 With greater concerns on leisure life and alleviation of job pressure on career soldiers, the concerned authorities has stipulated several regulations to encourage career soldiers having a normal leisure life. Thus, career soldiers become a potential and significant segment in the leisure and travel market. This study aims to explore the current status of overseas travel activities, travel motivations and constraints for the Taiwanese career soldiers and takes the Army Aviation and Special Forces Command for example. A structured questionnaire was designed to collect the empirical data from the Taiwanese career soldiers and a total number of 365 valid samples were reclaimed. The study showed that 31% of the respondents used to be engaged in overseas travel activity during the past five years, and 81.1% revealed that they will join that activity in the coming year. For the current status of overseas travel activity, most participants joined less-five-day package tours with a budget no more than 60,000 dollars. The destination sites are mainly Asian countries. Among 22 travel motivation items, 'visiting the natural scenic sits', 'visiting the unvisited places', and 'experiencing the local climate' are the three highest motivations. Among 14 travel constraints items, 'conflict between travel schedule and job mission', 'negative comments by the supervisors on travel schedule', and 'remaining stationed in shifts' are the three main constraints. By using factor analysis, three motivation factors were extracted and named as 'spiritual happiness', 'social interaction' and 'pressure alleviation'. There constraints factor were extracted as well and named as 'psychological barrier', 'job barrier', and 'environmental barrier'. By using canonical analysis, the results indicated that there exists significant relationship between travel motivations and constraints. The binary Logit regression indicated that the factors of 'job atttibute', 'income', 'spiritual happiness motivation', and 'job barrier' have significant influence on the travel intention. |