本研究旨在檢視多頻道環境下,收視率調查的方法與問題,以及收視率如何成為衡量節目優劣、頻道經營成敗的標準,並探討以節目品質觀點出發的收視品質研究,能否藉由提供閱聽眾對節目偏好、節目品質的相關意見,填補收視率調查的侷限,幫助廣告媒體企劃人員選擇最能深度影響廣告目標對象的媒體載具。 本文藉由收視行為研究與收視率調查機制,以及收視品質研究的文獻資料分析,了解收視調查產業的變遷,以及各國收視品質的執行方式。且以產業經濟理論,針對台灣電視生態進行產業結構分析,並以深度訪談法,訪問媒體服務代理商、廣告主、電視業者、等各領域的專業人員,了解其對於收視率與收視品質調查的看法。 研究結果發現,受訪者對於收視品質的採納意願皆為正向支持,認為可以提供多元收視行為資料,以協助廣告銷售業務與節目策略規劃,並有助於廣告主訂定符合投資效益的媒體計劃。但收視品質研究也因目前媒體企劃觀念的未成熟,與媒介生態與結構的限制,致使推行面臨障礙。因此建議透過漸進式的推廣方式與建立更多實證研究,使廣告主體認,以收視品質的思維作為媒體企劃的依據,將更能兼顧廣告的效果與效益。 This research is aimed at two objectives: First, it examines the role quantitative rating analysis plays in Taiwan's current multi-channel market by demonstrating how powerful TV ratings has become in valuing the performance of programming and dominating the station's management decisions. Second, it evaluates the possibility of the TV industry to adopt qualitative rating analysis as a remedy to redress the problem of quantitative rating. Through indepth interviews with media agencies, advertisers, and executive producers, the research found that these media practitioners are willing to adopt qualitative ratings on the ground that more diversified rating data benefit the producer's programming decisions and the advertiser's media purchasing. Nevertheless, the structural limit of the market and the still immature production planning prevent the media practitioners from adopting qualitative rating. The research concludes by suggesting that qualitative rating deserves to be promoted to the media practitioners with more thorough empirical evidences. Qualitative rating provides data that reflect the audience's liking, which could serve to improve the production and to produce beneficial result for advertising.