根據資策會在民國93年所作的校園無線區域網路推動與應用現況調查報告指出,學術網路中的無線區域網路(Wireless Local Area Network, WLAN)應用包含教學研討、上網瀏覽、收發電子郵件、圖書館系統、校務系統和網路授課等等。本研究主要是探討大學校園行動商務之服務內容。 在大學內有建置WLAN,校外可配合手機、筆記型電腦的GPRS(General Packet Radio Service,整合封包無線電服務)功能、3G(3rd Generation )行動通訊系統服務,還有目前當紅的雙網手機,將WLAN在學術網路的應用擴充成不只是在校內使用,且校外亦能使用。因此,我們經由對學生和教職員的問卷調查研究得到下列的成果: *將行動電話和相關無線上網設備為終端結合行動網路或校園無線區域網路連線之應用項目、服務內容整理出來。 *讓ISP(Internet Service Provider,網際網路服務供應商)與服務內容供應商(Content Provider)了解校園內教職員生對那些行動商務服務感興趣。 *提供其它學校未來行動校園建置的參考,增加學校的競爭力。 According to the III's(Institute for Information Industry's) study on campus wireless service in 2004, the Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) is mostly applied to the teaching, conferences, Web surfing, e-mail, library system, administrative , e-class, and so on. The purpose of this study is to understand the mobile commerce service content in campus. Recently, most universities have built WLAN, Cell Phone, GPRS (General Packet Radio Service), 3G (3rd Generation) Mobile communication service, and Double net Cellular Phone. In addition, WLAN applications have been expanded covering not only in the campus but also outside the campus. Our survey among students and faculties reaches the following results: *List the M-Commerce Service Content in Campus *Give an opinion to ISP (Internet Service Provider) and Content Provider to realize the service content that the students and faculties are interested. *Provide the reference to schools for constructing the mobile campus in the future, and increase their competitive advantage.