二十一世紀在網際網路蓬勃的發展下,我們已經邁入一個資訊科技的社會;教育界也不得不隨著科技的腳步,逐漸改變教學策略。以網際網路為基礎的數位學習方式,標榜著擁有豐富多元的資訊、快速便利的搜尋引擎,早已被公認為學習的利器。 隨著網路資訊科技的快速進步與發展,E-Learning已成為各企業及教育單位訓練的主要工具。各種線上的教學系統也隨之因應而生,但這種系統常因程式開發的限制,而無法跨平台整合,也並無太多的管理機制來掌握學生的學習成效。 數位學習為一知識密集的程序,其成效的高低取決於知識內容的良窳,唯有整合知識管理功能之數位學習平台,方可有效掌握知識獲得、分析、存取、管理、分享、演譯與創新等程序,提供即時且正確的知識內容,增進數位學習之效益,故『知識管理導向之數位學習平台』將為未來之必然趨勢。 本研究目的為建立一知識管理導向數位學習系統架構模式,並希望本研究所提之數位學習模式能運用於其他學科數位學習平台之建置上。 As the flourishing development of internet in 21st certury, we have already marched toward a society of information and technology. Therefore, the teaching strategies are gradually changed with the development of science and technology. Digital learning, based on internet, symbolizing rich and multiple information, fast and convenient search engine, have already been recognized as a useful tool for learning. With the fast progressing and developing, e-Learning has already become the main training tool for enterprises and educational units, and therefore various kinds of on-line tutoring system were created. But the cross-platform intergration of the system often couldn't be intergrated due to the restriction of program developing. And students’ learning effects can't be cotrolled for the lack of the mechanism of management. Digital learning is a knowledge-intensive procedure. Its effectiveness depends on the quality of the knowledge content. Only with the intergration of the digital learning of the function of the knowledge management, can we effectively control the procedure of knowledge acquisition, analysis, saving, management, sharing, induction and innovation. And it can offer the instant and correct knowledge content and increase the benefit of digital learning. Thus, the knowledge management-oriented digital learning platform will be the trend in the future. The purpose of this research is to create knowledge management- oriented digital learning system, and then design its platform to be applied to the construction of the digital learning platform of other subjects.