摘要: | 照明設施對於白晝間的公園而言,在日光的照拂之下,僅被視為公園環境的設施物之一,但在入夜後,照明設施卻成為夜間公園最不可或缺的要角,因為照明的彰顯狀態,是影響市民能否於夜間繼續使用公園的主要因素,而公園環境內的照明分佈與配置狀況,亦影響公園夜間使用者的活動範圍與行為能力。 本研究係以直接觀察的方法,記錄高雄市新興區的忠孝、六合、新興三個公園的使用者在夜間公園內的環境行為。主要記錄內容有公園的實質環境,照明設施之使用形式、種類與配置情形,以及使用者於夜間公園環境的分佈、活動類型、設施使用情況和行為反應等。研究者依據公園使用者在實質環境中的活動軌跡與活動行為,對公園夜間照明環境與使用者行為作深入探討。並藉由分析討論照明配設方式與使用者的活動行為,和公園設施環境之間相互關係的影響,以提出適宜夜間公園使用者的活動照明分佈規劃建議。 The illumination facility is only regarded as decoration of park facilities during the daytime, but it plays indispensable role in their environment though evening. Illumination affects the volition of residents to walk into or through the park. Therefore, the illumination distribution and allocation are major factors, which affect night users’ ability and capacity by using the park. This includes their extent of the field and following activities.This study goes through the observation and aim at users’ environment behavior during the night time. Three parks, Jhongsiao Park, Liouhe Park, and Sinsing Park in Sinsing District of Kaohsiung City, are the practicing goal. The research is not only notate the substance environment of the park, the performance, types, and disposition of illumination facilities, but also record the reaction under the illuminated space, where do they prefer to stay, which activities do they like to take, and what facilities do they like to use. According to the observation of park users' during the night time, this study aims to explore how illumination environment affects users' behavior, range of motion and activity. The researcher tried to analyses the relation between the illumination facility, users’ activity and the park environment. It is expected through this study, the researcher is able to find an appropriate park illumination design for the users at night. |