摘要: | 「日茂行」為鹿港史上最大型的船頭行(船運商行),在清代鹿港發展最為鼎盛之時期,林日茂號曾是郊商之首,舉凡廟宇興築、教育興學、公益慈善、協助平亂等,其莫不號召地方有力人士共襄盛舉,對鹿港發展可謂貢獻甚鉅。 儘管日茂行深具歷史價值,然而民國60年代公告之都市計畫,其所在的泉州街即被劃定為都市計畫預定拓寬路線。民國82年與87年,鹿港鎮公所欲分別於此二年度執行都市計畫拓寬道路工程,即曾引起地方知識青年為主的搶救行動,尤以87年5月因日茂行建物終受拓路而受損,搶救行動因此更為積極,事件並成輿論焦點,而後因緣際會獲當時之省政府文化處挹注經費,由鹿港鎮公所委託學界進行建築體修復研究與所在街區之保存式都市更新規劃,使日茂行暫時免去拓路威脅。研究曾發現搶救行動具備一層重要意義,即是象徵鹿港年輕一代之知識青年對於鹿港發展現況的反思與理想的實踐。搶救行動的二項規劃中,以都市更新為軸線的規劃為喚起民眾對於年久失修之日茂行的空間想像與期待,於初期舉辦裝置藝術大展活動,因部分作品觸碰某些地方社會性環節,引起諸多爭議,一度使原本規劃焦點有偏離軸心之虞,然不可諱言仍使日茂行知名度抬升。民國88年底至89年初前述兩項規劃案陸續結案,日茂行回復沈寂,報載鎮公所即曾欲繼續執行道路拓寬工程,使日茂行再度面臨保存危機。民國89年2月文資法修正案公告後,經當時搶救人士的運作下,四十五位立委聯名提報日茂行為古蹟;同年日茂行終獲指定為縣定古蹟,拓路威脅從此解除,而進入古蹟修復程序。 在前述之規劃案結案後,搶救行動者的參與力量之形式亦漸隨之轉化。而相對於古蹟指定前以社區角度出發的動態規劃(前述規劃案之一)與蓄積之豐富社會能量,進入古蹟指定程序後的日茂行規劃則趨向靜態與保守,古蹟指定前的藍圖或社會討論未必能在這個階段有被探究實踐可能性的發展空間,此亦為國內古蹟保存與修復程序中存在的某種現象與困境。 本論文之研究目的即在針對一個社會動員與資源投注甚多的保存個案,進行保存及規劃過程之經驗回顧,期使每個階段之發展不至隨物換星移而淡抹,而能於再次的回顧與討論中繼續延續其意義性。 Ri-Mau-Hun was the largest seaway trading company in the history of Lu-Kung development. In the period of its great prosperity in Qing dynasty, Ri-Mau-Hun used to be the leader of the businessmen in suburban district. They appealed wealthy people to build temples, advance education, promote public welfare and charity, suppress rebellions and so on. Their contributions to the development of Lu-Kung were tremendous. Although Ri-Mau-Hun has great historic value, in 1970s’ city development plan, Cheng-Cho Street where it was located was designated to be widened the roads. In 1993 and 1998, Lu-Kung council tried to execute the plan of widen the roads, which led to the rescue movement organized by the local young intelligentsia. Particularly in May 1998, the structure of Ri-Mau-Hun was damaged by the construction of widening the roads, the rescue movement became more vigorous. This incident also became the headline among the media, and consequently with the grant sponsored by the central office, Lu-Kung council was able to temporarily avoid the further damage from widening the roads by appointing the academy to study the building reconstruction and the city plan that can reserve the district around Ri-Mau-Hun. In the study, the rescue movement found its new meaning; that is, the local young intelligentsia had been having a special introspect and attitude of realization toward the development of their homeland. Two proposals in the rescue movements focused on the designate of the city renew to provide people the opportunity of fascinating and expecting how aged and damaged Ri-Mau-Hun could be transformed. In the early stage of the activity displaying the decoration art, once the focus was shifted because some of the work touched certain social issues and sparked lots of controversies. However, the event still promoted the name of Ri-Mau-Hun. When two proposals mentioned above ended one after another in 1999, Ri-Mau-Hun lost its attention gradually. Lu-Kung council tired to continue the construction of widening the roads, and Ri-Mau-Hun was facing the risk of structure damage. In February 2000, after the announcement of the amendment law of Culture Property Protection, 45 legislators proposed to list Ri-Mau-Hun as a historical site due to the activists' advocating. In the same year Ri-Mau-Hun finally was assigned as a historic site of the county and the threat from widening the roads was diminished. The roles of the activists in the rescue movement had changed before and after Ri-Mau-Hun was assigned as a historic site. Contrasting to the active designate and the accumulation of rich social resources before the historic site announcement, the designate of Ri-Mau-Hun was inactive and conservative in the process of becoming a historic site. This raises the concern that the blueprint designed before Ri-Mau-Hun was assigned as a historic site can't be continued in current stage, which proofs the difficulty in preserving a historic site. On the other hand, the meanings and factors of the discrepancy between activity and inactivity also make this case provide a very valuable experience in preservation that is worthy of further studies. The purpose of this study is to look back the experiences in the process of preservation and designate of the historic site that was involved tremendous social resources in order to ensure the different stages of development will be consistent and continuous and won't be ignored or forgotten by the change of time and people, and be able to make the spirit go on in each review and discussion. |