網路書店的功能不再限於購買書籍,顧客能夠透過書店查詢所需的資訊或是了解其他商品。便利的購物流程與虛實整合的宅配服務,讓網路書店能在短短的幾年之間,躍升成為一般大眾普遍能夠接受的消費方式。面對顧客持續不斷的光顧與使用,理想上經營者除了不斷推陳出新,更需要營造一種「家」的感覺,利用社群效應維持顧客關係。 研究者為檢定網路書店存在某種程度之虛擬社群,並且探討虛擬社群形成之效應及影響其形成之因素,透過文獻整理與思辨,認為虛擬社群之判定應該透過「心理」、「功能」、「衍生」三層面進行檢測,由此發展七項衡量指標。本研究主要的研究對象為網路書店之使用者,經調查結果指出,網路書店的確存在具有不同層面意義之虛擬社群,而影響虛擬社群形成的因素主要為部份行銷方法與使用者動機,與人口變項沒有直接關連。 研究結論為,了解虛擬社群存在之程度與意涵,有助於檢視行銷方法之適切性,而使用動機之「進行與他人互動相關之行為」,對於虛擬社群三層面具有直接關連,因此,若能透過行銷方法創造書店與顧客、顧客與顧客三者間的良好互動關係,對於強化虛擬社群的效應必有幫助。 The function of online bookstore is not limited to purchasing books, and it also enables customers to search for other information or to learn more about other products. Convenient procurement procedure and integration of home delivery service in reality enable online bookstores to be one of consumption styles that accepted by general consumers in a few years. While consumers keep visiting and applying online bookstore, ideally speaking, managers should keep developing new services and to create a feeling of “home”, thus to maintain customer due to community effects. In order to verify that online bookstore is existing in certain level of virtual community, and to explore the effects of establishment of virtual community and the factors that influence its establishment, we have literature review and believe that determination of virtual community should base on the verification of the “psychologic”, “functional” and “derivational” aspects, thus has developed seven indicators for measurement. The objects of our research are the user of Online Bookstore.The paper indicates that it is true that virtual communities by various meaning were existing in online bookstore, and the major factors that influence the establishment of virtual community are marketing style and motivation of the customers. There is no direct relationship with the demographic profile of the respondents This paper is: the understanding of the existing situation and meaning of virtual community enables the manager to check, if the marketing style is appropriate or not. The motivation for customers to apply online bookstore is “to have the kind of behavior that related to inactive relationship with other people”, and it has direct relationship with the three aspects of virtual community, hence to good interactive relationships between online bookstore and customers, and between customer and customer will surely has contribution in enhancing the effects of virtual community.