本論文主要在探討台灣對於一般歷經父母癌症過世之青少年的主觀經歷及其適應歷程的研究。每個人身上都有正向因子,為何有人還未能正向因應喪親事件,期待配合理論架構探討出那些是正向發展的重要相關因素或是契機,那些因子是青少年身上所欠缺的助力,藉此發現得以幫助處在發展、變動不安階段的青少年,渡過生命中的重大失落事件。 本研究依循質性敘事研究的理論基礎,由當事者回溯敘說並與研究者共同體驗事件及賦予新的意義,採Lieblich等人所提出的「整體-內容」和「類別-內容」分析法分析文本。 研究顯示一、傾向「嘗試作為」及「逃避」的悲傷調適因應技巧。二、喪親青少年悲傷調適的正向影響因素為:「媽媽的愛」、「個人內在成長動機」、「內在保護因子」。三、喪親青少年悲傷歷程的阻力為:「擔心家人的反應」、「不要和別人不同」、「不友善處遇」、「匱乏的外在支持系統」。四、阻力和正向因子的交互作用就是喪親青少年的復原力。五、喪親青少年的悲傷調適呈現多重二元擺盪之動力模式。 本研究結果可以提供臨床專業人員、癌症病人及家屬參考,一起協助失喪的孩子面對人生中重大事件。 The purpose of this research to demonstrate the subjective experience of adolescence whose parent died with cancer. The focus is mainly on the identification of positive and negative forces constitute one’s resilience toward coping with bereavement. A qualitative approach was adapted as the research method of this study. In specific, narrative inquires was used in in-depth interview to collect data from one research participant. Obtained data was analyzed with 3 modes (i.e. "overall impression","holistic-content", and "categorical-content") of analysis (Lieblich, 1998). There are the following 3 main results:1. The participant is currently in a oscillatory state with 4 modes of duality (emotion, coping, valences of forces, and outcomes)2. Resilience is consisted of both positive forces, negative forces, and the interaction of the two. 3. The positive forces include "Love of mother"; "striving for personal growth"; and "personal characteristic potency". The negative forces include "worries about family survivors"; "resentment for standing-out in the group"; "differential treatments in school"; and "short of social support". These findings shed light on the plausibility of combing the dual-process grief model with the resilience. Practical implications for parents and counselors were discussed.