日本的外交政策正處於一個重要的轉折點上。第二次世界大戰日本因戰敗而被美國占領,因此不得不選擇加入以美國為主導的西方安全與經濟體制中。冷戰結束後迄今,國際安全出現重大的變化,日本也積極調整其外交政策,以發揮國際影響力,並追求與它經濟力量相稱的政治領導。911恐怖攻擊事件後,日本配合美國全球反恐,強化日美同盟與自衛隊的角色,朝普通國家的方向前進。 Japan’s foreign policy is at a turning point. Since its defeat and US occupation after World WarⅡ, Japan could not but to be part of the US predominates security and economic regimes. Up to now, the international security has significantly changed after the Cold War. Japan has started adjusting its foreign policy aimed at playing a key role onto the global stage, and seeks for political leadership which is proportioned to its economical power. After 911, Japan realigns force to the US anti-terrorism operations, and strengthens the relations of US-Japan alliance and Self-Defense Army's role, and to go a step further to be a normal nation.