摘要: | 宗喀巴於十五世紀初,一開始是從西藏的佛教並吸收了噶當、薩迦、噶舉等各教派的精華,發展成格魯派。此外,宗喀巴早年在學識淵博的仁達瓦及受到文殊直接影響的鄔瑪巴教導之下,開啟其中觀思想研究方向,並在閱讀佛護《佛陀波利多根本中觀註》後,獲得不共的中觀見解,最後終於發展出不共的中觀思想「三遮五立」;此思想係自龍樹、提婆、佛護、月稱、寂天一脈相承而來,其中又以佛護、月稱為主要傳承。至於有關中觀著作,宗喀巴初期的中觀思想在《菩提道次第廣論》一書開始見到,而《辨了義不了義善說藏論》成書時「三遮五立」已分列其中,至於《般若中觀根本頌的注釋─正理海》一書是發揚時期,最後《入中論善顯密義疏》則是宗喀巴中觀思想最完整的時期。 有宗喀巴上述的各項努力,西藏的佛教迄今不致滅亡,格魯派的清淨宗風,也才能傳遍西藏、蒙古、中國及印度,甚至現在歐美綿延千里無垠之地,都有西藏佛教的蹤跡。 Tsong kha pa founded the dGe lugs pa sect in the fifteenth century. dGe lugs pa originated from Tibetan Buddhism and also aggregated bKa’ gdams pa, Sa skya pa, and bKa ’brgyud pa’s theories by developing into the dGe lugs pa sect. Additionally, during the early years of Tsong kha pa in scholarly Red mda’ ba, Tsong kha pa was influenced under dBu ma pa of MaňjugZri. This experience unlocked the direction of studying the Madhyamika thought. Besides, after studying the Madhyamakavŗtti from Buddhapālita, Tsong kha pa obtained the individual theory of dBu ma’i lta ba. Consequently, Tsong kha pa created the distinctive Madhyamika thought of “dGag gsum gdrub nga”. This theory originated from Nāgārjuna, Āryadeva, Buddhapālita, Bhāvaviveka, and Candrakīti, which particularly emphasize Buddhapālita and Candrakīti. Regarding the Madhyamika thought related works, we can gain an understanding of Tsong kha pa’s earlier publications in the book of “Lam rim chen mo”. When the book of “Dran nes legs bhsad snying po” was published, the“dGag gsum gdrub nga” theory was already listed in the book. With respect to the book “dBu ma rtsa ba’ i tshig le’ur byas pa shes rab ces bya ba’i rnam bshad rigs pa’ i rgya mtsho”, this was formed during prosperous period. Finally, “rNam bshad dgongs pa rab gsal” was formed during the entire fullness period of Tsong kha pa’s Madhyamika thought. Regarding Tsong kha pa’s efforts, Tibetan Buddhism could still stand firm without vanishing. We can see dGe lugs pa’s spiritualized footage throughout Tibet, Mongolia, China, and India even further to Europe and America |