近年來性別議題充斥文化市場,除了電影產業、圖書出版、流行衣著等,若是與性別相關,無不創造很好的銷售佳績;相關同志的文化潮流也搭上此順風車,成為性別研究討論的主軸之一。作者不禁想問,相較於其他弱勢族群的街頭抗爭、社會運動組織狂熱份子的積極參與等,為何不見於同志運動之中。是因為社會道德的壓迫使得同志運動不能發揮其強大的作用力,還是在同志社群所生存的生活空間當中,早已經有另一種形式的展演作用;削減了同志對於自身與社會之間的衝突與緊張。 從對於同志個人的田野調查中,我們發現許多同志個人透過不同於主流的服裝、髮型、流行解讀中,呈顯出自身族群的文化內涵;並且從這樣的行為旨趣中,找到自我的認同意識。另外,同志個人對於性生活的解讀、角色扮演中,細分出性生活中的角色分際,更表現出不同於一般人的族群界線;並透過這樣的界線來間接體現同志個人私領域社會運動的旨趣。 最後,同志個人從其所利用與存在的場域空間刺激下,包括:網路、公共空間的交流等,得到這屬於「圈內人」的生活態度,而這之中所謂的經驗價值與法則,更是讓同志社會運動中私領域的生活展演,得已持續發酵作用的主因。 In the decades, the issue of the sexuality concerns full of our culture market. Any kinds of culture business which is relative sexuality all become popular product in our society. Such as movie market, book publishing, and fashion business are all in this popular trend. No doublet, the main role of this trend is Gay and Lesbian subject. We wonder compare with other social movements, why Gay movements in Taiwan always disappear or in other words "non-aggressive"? Is it because of they got too much pressure form our society of moral restraint or those of Gay people already find some other way to release their conflict between society and themselves. Such as culture influences or concerns. From our research, we found out the Gay man always express their own culture atmosphere from their dressing, hair style, and fashion clothes. They try to find the self conference or identity from those of special fashion dressing. Otherwise, the differences role plays in gay's sex relationship also distinguish the boundary of Gay man and other people. In sum, the specific field of Gay people and internet connection all motivate the Gay people using the different way to express themselves, also the idea or dressing style. We argue besides the raising experience value sharing, the unknowing gay movements all get move in their private spare. And that's the main argument in this research. No needs strongly fighting or social movement on the street, just changing their life style and performing in their private sphere.