地震對於人們的威脅在於發生突然,很難事先做好預防工作,而且其破壞往往是難以預測且瞬間即造成,對於台灣民眾而言,921震災是台灣歷史上最慘痛的悲劇;基此,希望喚起政府與民間的注意,儘速將台灣的災難管理及配合衛星通訊、電子資訊科技的連結,建立起一套災難管理救援系統。 本研究一方面為提供一般廠商與物流委外運輸業者間的介面管理模式,使得雙方能有效掌握各自的物流運輸管理重要介面,透過雙方在介面管理上一致而有效的作法,進而建立雙方良好的依存及互動關係,並藉此物流管理及科技資訊的運用,期望於日後災難發生時能有所發揮。另一方面為嘗試釐清震災時市區道路之運輸功能特性,並利用衛星通訊及資訊科技之管理運用,做為未來防災道路系統規劃之原則。最後除定義震災時需求與供給,涵蓋人口、資源設施之數量與區位,建構震災疏散交通行為之分析架構,探討災區民眾之避難交通行為,分析造成災區附近交通壅塞、混亂問題之原因,並檢視目前台灣防救災體系未臻完備之處,提出具體修改與建議。 The earthquake happens suddenly. It is difficult to prepare for its happening well in advance. The earthquakes on September 21, 2000 cost thousands of lives in Taiwan and destroyed even more houses all in the twinkling of an eye. The 921 earthquake is one of most painful tragedies in the history of Taiwan. The purpose of the research is to suggest a system of city rescue operations addressed to disasters like earthquakes by analyzing the relations between logistics management and transportation. Many innovations of modern technology, including satellite communication and electronic information, can be integrated into disaster rescue operations. With the help of logistics management and well-prepared backup plan of transportation, life-saving materials including food, water, shelter and medicine, can be delivered to the disaster areas without delay.