隨著我國農業之相關產業逐漸式微,糖業經營環境亦漸趨拮据,台糖公司未來的經營將面臨著更為激烈的競爭,傳統的組織結構、管理模式、經營策略乃至人員配置等等,將無法有效的快速因應變遷,更不足以應付現今的經營環境,致使整體的經營管理更加困難。近年來,台糖公司為求經營的發展,而積極拓展業務範疇,進行多角化、自由化、國際化的企業轉型,然而這些為改造組織之經營體質所實施的各項變革中,將是攸關台糖公司能否邁向永續經營與發展的重要關鍵點。 本研究採用深度訪談法,蒐集分析資料,研究對象則以台糖公司現職之勞、資方及糖聯會幹部為主;最主要在探討台糖公司為改善經營體質,所施行的各項組織變革中,包括事業部組織型態、人力析離(人力轉移)、人力差異化管理、重新敘薪及民營化等。台灣省製糖產業工會聯合會(以下簡稱糖聯會)係屬一非營利組織,其所應扮演的角色功能與應有的作為以及其所採取的各項因應措施中,勞、資方與糖聯會幹部之反應態度,並對台糖公司自2000年政黨輪替後經營者不斷更迭之影響與台糖公司未來發展之經營方向與策略作詳細的分析,進而提出具體的結論與建議,俾供台糖公司決策階層參酌。 本研究發現,由於近年來政治力介入台糖公司之經營,雖啟動各項組織變革,惟其成效未如預期,以致影響台糖公司整體營運績效,希望糖聯會能充分扮演好傾聽員工心聲,且提出合理訴求與資方溝通、協調及監督的角色,並要有積極參與策略研擬及捍衛員工工作權的作為,期盼台糖公司能有效改善公司經營體質,未來朝向核心及具潛力之事業發展,以達永續經營與發展之目標。 With the declines of the whole aspects of the agriculture sector in our country, the management environment of the Taiwan Sugar Corporation (TSC) is facing a severe competition in the future. The traditional organization structure, management mode, strategic management, and even personnel to dispose etc. of the TSC, will be unable to deal with the change of the society. In recent years, TSC has been expanding its business category actively; carry on diversification, liberalization and internationalization. These efforts have paid back some performance but still not good enough to survive in the coming competition. This research adopts the depth interview with the workers, the owners and cadre members of TSC. The workers of the TSC comprised the Taiwan Provincial Federation of Sugar Worker’s Unions. (Taiwan Sugar Labor Unions) The union is a nonprofit organization. It should play an important role to protect the benefit of its members. For this purpose, it should participate in the function of the TSC in the process of organization reengineering. The research discover that due to the political power intervened the management of the TSC in recent years, the effect of changing is not as what originally expected. The TSC should set aside the political influence and listen attentively to its staff, coordinate with its workers, and also have the conduct to participate in strategic planning. By so doing, it can create higher performance and survive in the future.