學校是每一個人從小到大吸取知識的一個重要場所,隨著人口的增加、物質生活的提升、社會急遽變遷,校園中也充斥著許多不確定性的危機,像是不久前美國維吉尼亞理工學院暨州立大學發生史上死傷最慘重的校園槍擊事件;台北市的喬治工商,發生兩名歹徒闖入行兇,兩名學生遭不明物品刺傷;東華大學附近,至少有五名女學生險遭狼吻,另有一名女研究生遭撞倒強拉到農地性侵得逞,這就是本研究主要在以校園暴力為例,探討學校人員在校園安全管理相關議題對個人責任的認知之情形,來了解學校人員對校園安全產生後的應變措施是否能符合法律規定之精神,並將研究結果提供有關人員作為校園安全緊急處理之參考,以避免類似的校園危機發生及降低校園危機事件所帶來的衝擊。 本研究混合使用來自各方面的次級資料,包括:出版著作、專業書籍、期刊、論文、報紙、網路資訊、學術性刊物、研究報告、行政公文、校安研習、座談、會議等文獻、觀察結果,及個人工作歷練所得,採取質化研究進行探索性的論述。本研究將以校園暴力為例來探討我國校園安全管理機制在目前的政策與功能及預防作為,論述其中校園暴力在校園安全的預防與管理,分類研究及分析說明得到結論及建議,從文獻中所載的理論基礎、個人工作經歷中及媒體的報導等資料中尋找出問題的脈絡,及提出解決問題的途徑。 根據研究結果,校方應在校園危機偵測與加強人員教育訓練為優先考量;在危機爆發後部分應要將處理的經驗與其他校內人員分享,類似事件發生時必可將傷害降至最低,而校方也應協助校內人員有關法律問題的諮詢,以確保本身的權利沒有受到侵害。 本研究發現,學校的教職人員認為危機管理是某些單位的事與自己無關,危機處理更不需要自己去參與,而一般新進或是職務不高的人員,大都是不太瞭解整個校園危機管理的模式與運作方式,這點是有待強化內部溝通與宣導演練。而先前的預防、準備工作若是能準備的更周全,相對地容易提升整體危機處理與事後恢復的能力。 Schools are important places for everyone to gain knowledge throughout his life. So we should set up safety campus for easy learning, not filled with crisis and uncertainty. Recently, the most disastrous gun toting incident in American history happened in Virginia Tech, two students were throbbed injured when two criminals broke into George Vocational High School of Taipei, five female students of National Dong Hwa University almost harassed by the lecher, and a graduate student fell victim after being bumped and dragged to remote fields, all reveal that the importance of school authorities about their responsibilities on keeping the campus safe. This research investigates the actions that have been taken were effective in preventing the campus violence. Furthermore, it works as referential materials for associated sectors to handle emergencies at school; preventing similar events from happening as well as weakening the impact. Secondary materials from different sources are referred and used in the research. According to the research, the school should give priority to observing danger in the campus and training personnel. If something has ever taken place, the experience of solution should be shared among crews to reduce the damage as low as possible when similar events happen again. Also the school should help its employees as long as laws and regulations are concerned. The research also discovers that teachers and school employees regard crisis management far from their own business, and they aren’t obligated to participate. On the other hand, most new comers or lower rank workers are not clear about the procedures of campus crisis management at school. We need to strengthen the interior connection and emphasize training and practice. If the prevision and preparation in advance are complete enough, it will be much more easily for schools to cope with crises and recover.