國內傳統寺廟附設圖書館,從事文化志業者並不多見,能夠在台灣首善之區(台北市),設立佔地3,000坪,新書與一流書局同步;經營媲美國家圖書館的「行天宮附設玄空圖書館」,更是鳳毛麟角。身為非營利事業管理之研究者,當然樂見其經營有成,在敬佩之餘,對玄空圖書館之組織運作、經營績效及服務成果,產生莫大的興趣。爰以「傳統寺廟經營文化志業之研究」為題,以「財團法人台北市行天宮附設玄空圖書館」為例,來進行本論文之構思與寫作。 本研究係針對本文之研究目的與問題,採取質化研究法(田園調查、深度訪談與問卷調查),經由個案描述,將研究結果加以歸納分析,獲得以下幾點結論: 一、 佛教較注重教育文化的傳承與推動;道教寺廟則以舉辦盛大廟會為主。二、 行天宮經營玄空圖書館,推動文化志業,將有助於其社會形象之提升。三、 以管理情境理論分析,具傳統寺廟背景之玄空圖館在經營上是較具優勢的。四、 玄空圖書館,實至名歸,已成為好的非營利組織。 Only a few of traditional temples have subsidiary libraries to deal with cultural philanthropies. Hsing Tien Kong library was established at the most prosperous area of Taipei city in Taiwan. This Library owns about 3000 acres for its building and keeps steps with the first-class book-stores, which is as well-equipped as any other national ones. It is so rare and to be the elite. For giving my best respects to this library, I am heavily interested in the operation of the organization and performances of the library. Therefore, my study is a managerial research of traditional temple on conducting cultural philanthropy –A case study of Hsing Tien Kong Library. The result comes from qualitative research such as: field-study, in-depth interviews and questionnaire, etc. By means of case study and data analysis, the author wants to investigate what is the key to a successful administration and management of the library. We hope that results of the study will help to improve the quality of the administration and management of non-profit cultural philanthropy. The conclusion of the study is the following:1. Buddhism emphasizes on the promotion of the cultural education; Taoism focuses on the enormous temple activities.2. The attention to the promotion of cultural philanthropy paid by Hsing Tien Kong Library will be beneficial to the elevation of social image for Hsing Tien Kong temple.3. According to the analysis of SWOT theory, Hsing Tien Kong library, which is on the background of traditional temple, will be more competitive on Library-operation.4. Hsing Tien Kong Library has already become an excellent N.O.P.