本研究以「外籍人士對台灣醫療事業奉獻」為主題,其宗旨除了欲紀錄這些旅台外籍人士在台灣經營「愛」的故事,以供後人緬懷、歌誦外,也期望在本研究的追根溯源下,將這些宗教對台灣的重要影響,以感恩的態度與筆觸,將它們完整的呈現出來,讓生長在台灣這塊土地的人,在回顧這段歷史之餘,亦能以「愛在台灣」的態度,面對台灣的未來、共創台灣的願景。 緣此,本研究採用歷史文獻法、田野調查法與次級資料分析法,期能將外籍人士對台灣醫療事業、人道關懷做有系統的歸納陳述,整理成冊。除對這段台灣醫療發展進程,劃上歷史性的註腳,也期望能發揮「以史為鑑」的功用,深化台灣對國際醫療人道意識的關注。 This study chooses “Foreigners' Contribution to Taiwan’s Medical Business” as the research topic. The purpose of this paper intends to record these “love” stories of foreigners in Taiwan for later generations to recall and praise. Also, it is hoped that, with the root-digging and origin tracing, these religious people who have important influence to Taiwan can be fully displayed with the attitude of appreciation. After reviewing this history, people grown in Taiwan can face Taiwan’s future and create Taiwan’s prospect with the attitude of “love in Taiwan.” Historical literature review, field study, and secondary data analysis were adopted to systemically generalize and describe foreigners’ contribution towards Taiwan’s medical business and humanitarian caring. This paper not only historically footnotes the medical progress in Taiwan, but also intends to deepen the concern of Taiwan towards international medical humanitarian ideology. It is hoped that this study can be functioned as “taking history as a lesson.”