由於偏遠國小普遍面臨學生人數自然減少必須併校或減班問題,本研究以消費者行為觀點,探究偏遠國小進行教育觀光的意義與價值,並從其結果解析偏遠國小執行教育觀光之關鍵要素,提供偏遠國小轉型時之參考。研究目的主要有二:1) 從旅客(參與學生與師長)觀點,瞭解他們對於偏遠學校所提供之教育旅遊設計內容與行程之體驗,並進一步了解其遊程所提供之意義與價值;2)從其研究結果提出建議,以作為偏遠學校在規劃旅遊行程時之參考。本研究的研究對象為34位北市興德國小四、五年級學生,於95年4月26、27、28三天至嘉義縣竹崎鄉中和國小進行校際交流活動,在其活動期間研究者進行參與觀察、訪談及問卷調查,以多元分析方法交叉比對,且將蒐集資料以內容分析法進行資料的編碼分析,而後進一步使用方法目的鏈(means-end chain)彙整出價值階梯圖,探索學生心中無形的核心價值。研究結果發現,偏遠國小進行教育觀光,不僅有先天優越的自然條件,更能結合社區文化生活資源,創造出獨特的旅遊內容與課程設計,而讓學童有真實體驗的學習,落實真正體驗學習的教育理念。 In recent years, most of the elementary schools in remote areas are facing with the crisis of school merger or close down. This study therefore aims to explore the meanings and values of educational tourism for utilizing in remote elementary schools based on the perspective of consumer behavior. This study was conducted through participant observation, interviews and questionnaire survey for multiple analysis. Data was collected from thirty-four fifth-grade and sixth-grade students of an elementary school in Taipei who attended a study tour designed by the Jhon Ghe Elementary School in Chiayi on April,2006. Content analysis was applied for the data analysis, then a means-end chain was further utilized to investigate tourists’ values and to understand the context of tourists’ experiences. Finally, the findings show that the remote elementary school not only could well turn their nature environment and resources into an unique program of educational tourism, but also could work with local communities to promote their educational tourism. To develop the educational tourism in remote elementary schools may be also a benefit for students’experiential learning.