台灣休閒農業之快速發展,已具有成為新興行業之特質,建構產品及服務、屬性、利益及個人價值的關係模式,並從中挖掘出重要的項目是本研究的主要目的。本研究以台東應用原生植物園區之業者及前往遊玩之遊客為研究對象,利用訪談問卷及問卷調查方法進行資料之收集,並採用方法目的鏈以及相關的統計分析方法來進行資料分析。 根據線性結構方程式之分析顯示,產品及服務對屬性、對利益有顯著正向影響關係;然產品及服務對個人價值並沒有顯著的直接正向影響;屬性對利益、對個人價值有顯著正向影響關係;利益對個人價值有顯著正向影響關係。雖然產品及服務對個人價值並未有顯著的直接正向影響,但產品及服務確實會透過屬性而影響利益,且會透過屬性及利益而影響個人價值。此外,根據遊客價值拓展模式的分析結果,我們也獲得產品及服務、屬性、利益等重要項目,而這些資訊將可提供業者作為月的經營管理及行銷策略的參考。 Due to the rapid development for the Taiwanese leisure industry, it will became a novel industry here with the characteristics of new industry. Hence, constructing the relationship model for the product/service, attributes, benefits and personnel values and mine the potentially important items will be the primary goals in this study. We will take the employers and the tourists at the Taitung Yuan Sen Applied Botanical Garden to be the observations. And, the questionnaire and survey techniques will be performed to collect data. Then, the concept of mean-end theory and statistical techniques will be used to achieve the necessary data analysis. According to the results obtained from LISREL, the relationships between products/services & attributes, products/services & benefits will denote a significant positive effect. However, the relationships between products/services & personnel values do not denote a significant positive effect; the relationships between attributes & benefits, attributes & personnel value, benefits & personnel values will also denote a significant positive effects. Although the relationship between products/services & personnel values do not have a significant positive effect, it still have effect on personnel value via indirectly affections through the attributes and benefits. Besides, from the results obtained from the value expansion model, we can also get the important items about the products/services, attributes and benefits. Those information can be provided to Taitung Yuan Sen Applied Botanical Garden to be the useful reference for the related issues about business management and marketing strategy.