在行動隨意網路(Mobile Ad hoc Network, MANET)環境下,每一個行動主機(Mobile Host, MH)是透過彼此之間的連線(Link)以及多點跳躍(Multi-Hop)的方式將資料封包送達目的地。但在MANET環境下,過多的控制封包(Control Packet)在網路上傳遞,可能會浪費網路資源,甚至造成網路癱瘓;而如何減少路徑上的跳躍次數,也是繞徑協定上重要的議題。 有許多的繞徑協定(Routing Protocol)被提出來研究,也有將無線網路上的節點(Node)加以定位(Location),利用座標(Position)的資訊提出不同方式的繞徑協定。本篇研究即是屬於位置輔助繞徑協定(Location-Aided Routing Protocol),結合已知的座標位置,可以求得任意兩個節點之間的最短直線(Baseline),並且因為座標資訊的關係,能有方向性的找尋路徑,減少封包漫無目的的在網路上流竄。透過本研究,我們提出High Stable Location Aided Routing Protocol(HSLAR)希望能控制路徑要求(Route Request, RREQ)封包朝向正確的方向傳遞,並且建立出最接近直線距離的路徑。 透過模擬實驗的結果,顯示出本文所提出的HSLAR協定可以減少18.06%至28.83%的Hop Count,並且有效降低封包16.13%至27.65%的發送數量,以及減少傳輸路徑約1.01%至12.3%斷裂的機率。 In Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET), the mobile hosts (MH) intercommunicate through single-hop or multi-hop paths in a peer-to-peer mechanism. But more control overhead of routes may waste resources of network. One problem of routing protocol is to cut down hop counts of a route. Part of routing protocol was proposed with location by using the global positioning system (GPS), for instance, LAR and ILAR scheme. In this paper, we propose a High Stability and Location-Aided Routing (HSLAR) scheme to improve the ILAR. Our method can reduce control overhead, hop counts and to enhance the stability of routes. We use the MHs’ location information to calculate a baseline between source node (or forward node) and destination node. And then depends on these baselines to establish a route. The simulation results show that our scheme is more efficiently on control overhead, hop counts and the stability of routes than ILAR scheme.