公務人員退休制度歷經多次改革,且為世界潮流之所趨,然而每經一次改革均引起莫大震撼,正反意見爭論不休;目前我國正推動下一波退休制度的改革,因事關數十萬公職人員之權益,可謂影響深遠;新的制度必然產生不同程度的反應。本研究旨在討論面臨此一新制之前,現職軍、公、教三大領域人員在工作態度上有無顯著的差異存在,期望從中發掘潛在問題,並試圖分析產生差異之可能原因,藉以提供社會各界討論及有關單位擬訂制度時之參考。 研究以問卷調查方式針對軍、公、教三大族群之工作滿意度、對組織的向心力及有無離職傾向等三方面進行調查;研究結果顯示:(一)在敘述統計方面軍、公、教三個領域之中教職及一般公職為較佳選擇,軍職則較不被看好。(二)工作滿意度方面:教職有較高的滿意度。(三)對組織的向心力方面:一般公職有較高的承諾。(四)離職傾向方面:可能受社會整體景氣不佳影響,三者沒有明顯的傾向,但相較之下軍職較可能求去。(五)三變項之間明顯存在相互影響之關聯性。 基於以上之研究結果建議有關施政單位在研議新的法令制度前,應全面調查權益相關者的看法和意見,一方面作政令的宣導,減低因不了解而導致的反對聲浪;另一方面亦可集思廣益,獲得較佳的行動方案。 Influenced by the world trend, the retirement system of the civil service workers has undergone reformations for many times. However, every reformation arises several controversial debates and has a great impact amonor the country. So far, the government is launching another reformation of retirement system. Because it matters the rights of almost one hundred thousound workers, it may result in debatable response to a certain extent. The purpose of this study is to investigate the different working attitude of the personnels of the three fields-military men, public servants, and teachers, to find out the potential problems, and to analyze the factors that account for the divergences to provide some facts to the community and the authority. Using guestionnair survey,this study examine the job satisfaction, the sense of belonging toward their organizations, and the outgoing tendency of the three kinds of civil service workers in terms of the questionnaires. The investigation reveals that they prefer to be a teacher or have a public position. As to the job satisfaction, teachers have higher satisfaction. When it comes to the sense of belonging toward their organizations, teachers also have better commitment while the personnels of the military have higher outgoing tendency. Apparently, there is a strong connection between these three factors. Based on the result,this study suggests that the government should investigate the opinions of the beneficiaries so that canbe reduced. the adverseness caused by misunderstandings canbe reduced.Moreover it may absorb some of the useful ideas and come up with a better program.