斯洛伐克共和國於1993年1月1日正式成為一個獨立的民主共和國,經由一連串的政治、經濟改革努力,順利的在2004年加入歐盟,成為歐盟二十五個會員國之一。在獨立之前,地利上曾是匈牙利的一部份;政治上,更是曾與捷克共和國組成捷克斯洛伐克共和國。因為這種種因素,使得斯洛伐克早期在經濟上以重工業及國防工業為主,依據中央統籌計畫,實行東歐經濟互助會貿易義務。在獨立之後,政府為了向歐體靠攏,政府對於經濟政策作了調整,以求實現市場經濟,促進本國貿易發展及鼓勵外資投資。本文將就斯國於冷戰結束獨立建國以後,政治及經濟的轉型發展逐一討論。 The Slovak Republic became an independent country on January 1, 1993 and strived to join the European Union then became one of the 25 Member States in 2004. Before Slovakia was independent, it was a part of Hungary; then established Czech-Slovakia Republic with Czech politically. Because of these factors, Slovakia gave priority to the heavy and army industry at first; and according to the overall planning from the Center, carried out the trade obligation of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (COMECON, 1949-1991). After Slovakia became independent, in order to intimate with the European Community (EC), the government adjusted to accomplish the market economy on economic policies, then promote domestic trade development and encourage foreign investment. This study will focus on the political and economic transition and development of Slovakia became independent after the Cold War ended up.