本研究旨在探討國小班群實施環境教育本位課程對協助維護經營校園生態空間的成效。研究設計採準實驗研究法,由嘉義市蘭潭國小五年級三個班組成的班群擔任實驗組;同學年其他二個班級,以及另外三所學校共六個班級的五年級學生擔任對照組。 實驗組在校園生態空間中實施環境教育本位課程,藉此研究經由此本位課程,對於協助校園生態空間經營的成效。從中並可了解此課程對學生在環境覺知能力表現的影響。 實驗過程共計一學年,資料蒐集包括「環境覺知量表」受測情形、課程進行過程中的「參與觀察」、「資料調查」及「深度訪談」等方式,以對整個研究的歷程進行說明與分析,據以提出研究成果與報告。 本研究之主要發現如下:一、本研究發展之環境教育本位課程,能讓班群師生充分運用校園生態空間,並達到相關領域的教學目標。二、本研究實施之環境教育本位課程,能讓班群師生在環境覺知的能力表現有顯著進步。三、環境覺知三向度中:「環境活動經驗」與「對於環境的感受」無顯著相關;「對 於環境的感受」與「培養環境感受所具備的能力」有顯著相關;「環境活動經驗」與「培養環境感受所具備的能力」有顯著相關。 四、環境覺知三向度中,「環境活動經驗」與「對於環境的感受」無顯著相互影響之因果關係;「對於環境的感受」與「培養環境感受所具備的能力」有顯著相互影響之因果關係;「環境活動經驗」與「培養環境感受所具備的能力」有顯著相互影響之因果關係。五、藉由班群結合環境教育本位課程的實施,能讓班群師生成為協助經營校園生態空間的有效人力資源,並達到預期的維護經營成效。 This study was mainly to examine the effect of the school-based environmental curriculum through the clustered classes on the eco-campus management. The Quasi-Experimental Study had been carried out in the research. The three classes from fifth grade in Lan Tan elementary school participated in the experimental groups while another two fifth-grade classes were the control groups. Moreover, the other six fifth-grade classes from three different elementary schools in Chia-yi City and Chia-yi County play a part of the control groups. To study the effect of school-based curriculum on the management of eco-campus, and further the influence on students’ performance of environment awareness, the experimental groups involved the environmental curriculum in the school eco-environment. The duration of the study was one year. The data included the “ the environment awareness scale”, “ the participation in the observation”, “data survey” and “ depth interview”. The analysis of the data contributed to the result of the study. According to the analysis of the study, the important findings are as below. 1.The environmental curriculum enabled teachers and pupils to utilize the school eco-environment, and additionally achieve the teaching objects. 2.The environmental curriculum had teachers and pupils improve their environmental awareness.3.The three aspects of environment awareness: “ The experiences on the environmental activities” was not notably relevant to “ The reception of environment”. On the other hand, “The experiences on the environmental activities” markedly related to “ The capability of developing the reception of environment”.4.As regards to the three aspects of environmental awareness, “ The experiences on the environmental activities” did not strongly connect to “ The reception of environment”. On the contrary, “ The reception of environment” significantly related to “ The capability of developing the reception of environment”. There was a positive relation between “ The experiences on the environmental activities” and “The capability of developing the reception of environment”5.The environmental curriculum, which was practiced through the clustered classes, considerably turned the teachers and students from the clustered classes into the efficient human resource for the school eco-campus management.