由泡沫紅茶類所衍生出之創意式新茶飲目前風行全台,為因應多元化茶飲方式之需求,台中市產生多樣之茶藝新空間,順應都市紋理與社會消費型態,形塑豐富、多樣、大眾化的都會生活風格。可視為城市風格有機組成之一部份及都會生活美學之具體實踐。本研究乃從茶文化與空間之兩面向,來探究多元化茶飲與茶藝新空間之諸多建構手法,與台中都會生活美學風格間之呼應關係。 The new creative tea-drinks which are evolved from foamed black tea-drink are currently prevailing in Taiwan. To respond to the need of diversified ways of tea drinking, variated new spaces of the tea art which can be viewed as an integral organic part of city style and as the realization of the aesthetics of metropolitan life are created in Taichung City. This study propose to examine various design approaches of both diversified ways of tea drinking and the new spaces for the appreciation of tea art and to investigate their corresponding relationships with aesthetics of Taichung metropolitan life style from the standpoint of tea culture as well as that of tea drinking spaces.