台灣島山地,在長期供養經濟發展得過程從未受到應有的重視,一切山地資源的使用都是以最直接的經濟利益為優先,統治政權的施政方針造就居民長久以來對自然資源過度的使用,幾百年來鹿、林業、樟業與農耕產業對山坡地的開發,使得台灣低海拔山坡地幾無原始生態可言,而在進入21世紀之後,隨著解嚴後本土意識的萌芽與茁壯,台灣逐漸發展出屬於本體性的環境價值觀,但過去對山坡地使用思維的舊思想仍存在基層鄉間的農民身上,對於環境生態亦只看重在經濟的發展。 許多在大環境衝擊下的坡地農民雖有心卻無力去耕耘,致使許多山坡地果園出現廢耕的現象,而檳榔在山坡地農耕作物中佔了1/6的面積;根據本研究調查,廢耕後與耕作中的檳榔坡地土壤在2個月內每平方公尺約有7000餘顆種子,而廢耕後的檳榔園土壤每平方公尺60天內可發育出15顆以上的喬本植物苗,但耕作中的檳榔園每平方公尺僅有5顆左右。顯示同一個時間內廢耕的檳榔園較耕作中的檳榔園有較佳的復育能力。而檳榔園因檳榔的生態特性,使得檳榔園成為許多外來植物蔓延的溫床。特別是對本土植物具有殺傷性的外來種植物-小花蔓澤蘭在檳榔園中繁衍的情況相當嚴重;根據本研究觀察,早年廢耕檳榔園的自然植生能降低小花蔓澤蘭漫延的速度,同時在小花蔓澤蘭入侵之後再廢耕的檳榔園,其次生林的演化則顯得有所困難。 本研究中土壤內種子庫內含草本植物能在地表形成足夠草本覆蓋的假設獲得證實,未來在相類似的環境條件操作時可以借鏡參考。而植生喬木的選擇則決定未來林相形成過程裡管理成本的高低與可行性。 There is little attention paid to the mountain area in Taiwan during the process of economy development. Hence, the economy profit is always prior to everything in the progress of industry though still a few people endeavor the reasonable usage of the mother land. The result shows that there are more original plant seeds in the abandoned nut farmland than those are still being used. According to the research, there are about fifteen seeds germinating in sixty days per square meter in the abandoned nut farmland, compared with 5 seeds or so in the using land. It is manifested that the abandoned land has better abilities to nurture the original plant than the using land. Moreover, the situation that the original plant is killed by the intruder such as Mikania micrantha Kunth is intensely serious in the nut lands. It can be seen that the nut land that was abandoned early has more abilities to decrease the spread of Mikania micrantha Kunth. On the contrary, the land that was abandoned after the intrusion has difficulties in the recovery from overuse. The hypothesis in this study is established that herbs are able to offer the earth’s surface sufficient overlay. It may be reference for operation in next similar conditions and circumstances. Planting selection of arbors determines the feasibility and management cost feasibility of coming timberlines.