摘要: | 聚落歷史建築為族群傳統文化世代傳承與智慧累積的結果,蘊含著族群的文化、信仰和生活觀,記載著族群共同的歷史記憶、印痕與演化脈絡,也代表著屬於聚落獨特時間、空間形式與內涵的地表景觀,串連聚落各時期的文化發展。 嘉義縣竹崎鄉頂笨仔社區為一客家山城聚落,當地盛產石材,自古打石工藝於當地相當興盛,因此,頂笨聚落發展從古至今均和石頭息息相關。打石技藝將頂笨仔成功建構成一獨特山中「石頭聚落」,從梯田及公路駁坎、灌溉水圳、到三合院等建築,無一不利用石材。儘管環境變遷,頂笨仔聚落至今仍保有重光水圳、三合院、駁坎梯田,或因應交通需求,利用美援建造而成的大華公路等建築,沒有因為時代變遷而完全改變其傳統建築空間結構,於現代而言更顯其不凡價值。 頂笨仔聚落傳統建築蘊含當地聚落發展的歷史記憶,而聚落隨處可見打石技藝雕琢社區所遺留的印痕、隨著環境變遷後的聚落演化脈絡。以石板為基礎的三合院曬穀場、引水灌溉的傳統石板水圳網絡系統、一塊塊由駁坎建構而成的梯田、在地信仰石材土地公廟和隨著大華公路蜿蜒而上的邊坡石板駁坎,訴說著頂笨仔聚落「以石為本」的聚落發展,顯現其迥異於其他聚落之建築時間、空間形式,交織出頂笨仔傳統農村聚落特色。 本研究調查重光水圳、大華公路、梯田駁坎、三合院聚落建築空間組成,與聚落產業發展、生活的關係,除了具體呈現農村聚落的環境變遷外,亦顯示農村聚落傳統建築除了原有不論是灌溉、交通、種植、居住等價值外,同時兼具有生態、遊憩與人文價值。 Historical construction built by tribes is the fruit of the ancestors’ wisdom and traditional culture from one generation to another. It embraces the beliefs of the tribes and their way of life; it also records the mutual memories and the process of evolution for the same group. Moreover, tribal settlement itself represents a very unique landscape captured at a certain time, space and including certain cultural customs, which have formed the culture in different periods of time. Ding-Ben-Zih community in Chiayi County is a Hakka settlement in mountains which are abundant in construction stones. It still has a thriving rock-shaping craft. Therefore, the development of Ding-Ben-Zih community has always been related to rocks. From Bo-kan terraced fields, irrigation channels to courtyard houses, the stone craft has successfully built a special “stone settlement” in the mountains. Despite environmental changes, Ding-Ben-Zih community still preserves Chong-guang Irrigation Channel, courtyard houses and terraced fields. In addition, Da-hwa Highway which was built with help from America also shows its traditional value of space. These constructions prove the extraordinary value of the skills in this community to modern architecture because they have not changed their traditional structures over time. The traditional architecture of stone craft can be seen everywhere at Ding-Ben-Zih community and it has developed alongside the evolution of the settlement. For instance, this can be seen in the courtyards made of flat stones for drying rice, the network systems of irrigation, chunks of terraced fields built with Bo-kan, the religious temple for the local deity as well as the stone wall up alongside Da-hwa Highway. All of these constructions tell the story of the important history of stone materials in Ding-Ben-Zih community, whose characteristics display the difference between other communities in the form of time and space. This research aims to investigate the relationship between the building components of Chong-guang Irrigation Channel, Da-hwa Highway, Bo-kan terraced fields and the courtyard houses, and the industrial development of the community. In addition to the presentation of its environmental changes, the thesis will also show that the traditional settlement not only has the value of irrigation, transportation, cultivation and residence, but also the significance of a healthy ecosystem, improved tourist attractions and vibrant culture. |