隨著現代化的歷程,人類在科技上取得前所未有的進展,這使得人們在生活上、習慣模式上有所改變;體制外私人講學的角色變得複合以及多樣,從文化教育的功能到企業行銷的考量,甚至是產業轉型的思索。 本研究認為1949年之後台灣體制外私人講學的發展歷程可以分為三個階段,各階段的主要表現如下: 一、1949年-1987年:這是個顛沛流離的時代,戰亂陰影始終揮之不去,國民政府1949年撤退來台,當時為了與中國共產黨對抗,台灣島內實施戒嚴;嚴厲的社會控制,言論與思想的禁閉,讓文化與社會的發展是異化的、異質的。這個時期體制外私人講學的發展,變化不大,在思想與言論的鉗制下,事實上也不太可能有所開展。 二、1987年-2006年:來自政治上的束縛已被解除,社會力逐漸解放,台灣在經濟上也取得一定的成果。體制外私人講學如雨後春筍般一一出現;結合現代性、社會性,並在經營上運用新的科技、知識以及行銷。 三、2006年-:兩岸的政治對抗持續,台灣經濟低迷,政府在面對產業升級轉型始終無法有效整合。「學學文創」以強大的金融資本優勢,從台灣產業發展╱轉型的角度切入,代表著體制外私人講學往前一步探索了跟產業聯結的可能性。 With the history of modernization, human gain profound progress on technology which changes the way we live and how we behave. Private lecture outside the system becomes more and more complex and various in terms of cultural education or marketing, even though industry transformation. In this research, private lecture after 1949 in Taiwan mainly consist of three phases, they are: A.1949-1987 AC: 1949 The Kuomintang (KMT) government fallback to Taiwan form mainland China. In this era, Taiwan was devastated by warfare. In order to arm the country against Communist China, Taiwan began usage of the curfew. Strictly gag law and opinion control baffled the progress of culture and society. This era had no obvious progress of private lecture under thinking and speech control. As a matter of fact, it has no room for its development. B.1987-2006 AC: The binding on politics had been released. The society force has been rescued; the improvement of economy reinforces the appearance of private lecture outside of the system which synthesizes modernization, socialization and leverages new technology, knowledge and marketing skills. C.2006-present: Taiwan and China are continuously against each other on politics. Economy in Taiwan is low. Taiwan government is facing the problem of upgrade and integration of industry. "Xue-Xue Institute" takes the advantage of large-scale capital and cuts in private lecture field from the industry development/transformation point of view. It symbolizes the possibility of private lecture outside the system moving forward to connect to the industry.