美國奇幻作家娥蘇拉.勒瑰恩繼《地海傳說》六部曲後,在七十五歲時又創作了《西岸三部曲》系列小說。《西岸三部曲》系列小說有著奇幻的形式,內容包含了探索成長與追尋真理的主題。由擔任敘事者的主角娓娓道來,四位青少年在文化、環境、社會制度的限制與壓迫下,展開了成長旅程。他們試著與內在自己、外在環境抗戰與融合,並面對社會制度中沉痾已久的衝突與難題,與他人共同找出一條解決之道。透過小說中主角的追尋與思辯,娥蘇拉.勒瑰恩告訴讀者:唯有打破對立、達成和諧,才能讓彼此互生共榮,也必須順應天道,才能自強不息。 American writer Ursula K. Le Guin had created "The Annals of the Western Shore" at seventy-five years old. "The Annals of the Western Shore" has a form of fantasy; the content contains topics to explore growth and pursuit of the truth. By the protagonist as Storyteller says of the past, four young people expand the growth of the journey. They try to face clash and problem, internal of their own and outside of the environment, together with others to find a solution. Through the protagonist's pursue and dialectical thinking, Ursula K. Le Guin tells the readers: to break the opposition only reach harmony, to make each other alternate prosperity, let it be and to of self-improvement.