本研究旨在探討嘉義縣國小二年級學童學校生活適應之現況,並瞭解學童背景變項(性別、家庭型態、家庭社經地位)、父母教養方式、親子關係與學校生活適應之間的關係。本研究採問卷調查法,使用「父母教養方式量表」、「親子關係量表」、「學校生活適應量表」為研究工具。研究對象以嘉義縣公立國民小學二年級學童為母群體進行抽樣調查,共得有效樣本數388份。所得資料透過SPSS統計套裝軟體,以描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、Pearson積差相關、逐步多元迴歸等統計方法加以分析。研究結果如下:一、目前國小二年級學童的學校生活適應呈中上程度。學校生活適應量表得分以常規適應最高,其次是人際關係適應,然後是學習適應。二、不同性別的國小二年級學童在「常規適應」、「學習適應」、「整體學校生活適應」層面有顯著差異。女學童高於男學童。三、不同家庭型態的國小二年級學童在「人際關係適應」、「常規適應」、「學習適應」、「整體學校生活適應」層面均無顯著差異。四、不同家庭社經地位的國小二年級學童在「人際關係適應」、「常規適應」、「學習適應」、「整體學校生活適應」層面均無顯著差異。五、國小二年級學童之父母教養方式與學校生活適應呈顯著正相關。六、國小二年級學童之親子關係與學校生活適應呈顯著正相關。七、父母教養方式與親子關係能有效預測國小二年級學童之學校生活適應。 本研究針對以上研究結果加以討論,並提出若干建議,以供家長、教育相關單位及未來研究者之參考。 The main purposes of this research were to study the adjustment in school among the lower-grade elementary school students, and to explore the correlations among children’s socio-demographic factors, parenting style, parent-child relationship and their adjustment in school. The instruments used in the study included Parenting Style Scale, Parent-child Relationship Scale, School Life Adjustment Scale. The participants in this study included 388 lower-grade elementary school students in Chiayi County. The major findings of the study were as follows:1. The students’ adjustment to school was above average. The highest score in School Life Adjustment Scale was “rule observation”. Next was ”interpersonal relationships” and “learning”.2. There were gender differences in lower-graders overall adjustment to school life, rule observation , interpersonal relationships and learning.3. Students’ family structure and socio-economic status did not produce significant difference in their overall adjustment to school life, rule observation, interpersonal relationships and learning.4. Both parenting styles and parent-child relationship shared significantly positive relationship with students’ adjustment to school life.5. Parenting style and parent-child relationship effectively predicted students’ adjustment to school life. Finally, suggestions were provided based on our conclusions to serve as a reference for parents, schools and further research.