本研究目的旨在瞭解和氣大愛志工啟蒙與身心修煉,以及和氣大愛志工行愿與社會服務之概況,採用質性研究參與觀察法及詮釋現象學做為藍本,深度訪談七位和氣大愛的志工,並將志工的經驗文本深度描寫與詮釋,進行視域化以及脈絡的綜合分析。從研究中發現四個主要內涵: 一、從自覺、自省中找到靈性之愛:在看似不堪的人事境背後自覺自省,找到愛的本質。二、從自立、自了中根本改變生命質性:認知從自立中負起生命的完全責任,願意徹底轉換生命湯底,從而改變自了。三、從關係轉向中得到自主:從信念中真正轉軌,也從關係的轉向與釋懷中得到療癒,在身心自主下關懷生命、服務社會。 四、從慈悲喜捨中得到真正的自在與自由:生命在發光發熱的過程中,內心充滿慈悲、充滿歡喜,所有療癒過程自然發生,從身心自由度更能發揮所長。 針對本研究目的,從內涵中得到研究結果是: 一、置身法門訓練前經歷了陷落生命谷底及省思輪迴處境的苦難經驗。 二、接受法門訓練因素包括因為相信、因為家人以及因為自願而來;且經過「煉」的考驗與明理的調適歷程。三、和氣大愛志工們經歷一個認知、覺察、轉化與圓滿的療癒過程。四、從行愿服務經驗伴隨而來的是自利利人,己達達人的生命意義。 最後依據研究發現與結果提出建議:一、對個人:能得到靈性成長的機會及從實證中找到生命意義的機會;二、對團體:和氣大愛養成訓練與研究層面結構化、醫護界能應用和氣大愛之法作為輔助療法、和氣大愛之法能應用到家屬悲傷關懷或急難事件的心靈照顧之上。三、對學術研究:從研究方法的深廣度及修行團體經驗與交流等各方面均可再深入與延伸。 The purpose of this study is to understand the HoChi Universal Love’s volunteer enlightenment and mental practices, and their work ethics and social services. The study is of qualitative study of participant observation and interpretation of phenomenology design that interviewed and the experiences of 7 HoChi Universal Love volunteers. The volunteers’ experiences were documented for a comprehensive analysis. The analysis determined the following 4 major themes: (1)Finding spiritual love from self:awareness and reflection: finding the source of love from seemly unbearable events through self-awareness and reflection.(2) Change your life with self:reliance and understanding: the transformation of self-understanding can be achieved by becoming responsible for life through self-reliance. (3) Gaining independence from redirecting relationships: the changing and relieve of belief and relationships can lead to the healing of body and mind, caring of life, and service for the society. (4) Obtaining real freedom and peace of mind from benevolence and giving: through the process of living life to the fullest, one is filled with compassion and joy; one’s healing process happens naturally; and one with a freed mind can better demonstrate its ability. According to the purpose of this study, the following results were concluded: (1) Volunteers have been through extraneous life situations and experiences prior to the HoChi training. (2) The reasons for receiving HoChi training include faith, family encouragement, and voluntary involvement. The volunteers were “tested” and with acclamation to sensibility. (3) HoChi volunteers experienced a healing process that consists of understanding, awareness, transformation, and completion. (4) The volunteers demonstrated eusociality and the meaning of life through the service for others. Finally, according to the results, the following suggestions were concluded: (1) An individual can obtain growth of spirituality and experience the true meaning of life. (2) An organization can benefit from HoChi Universal Love’s structured training and researches. The heal care industry can use the HoChi practice as complementary therapies for caring for patients undergoing traumatic experiences and also their families. (2) The academia can benefit by learning from the group’s practice experiences and research methods for furthering the understanding in related topics.