臺灣進入高齡社會,老人照顧需求的迫切性和嚴重性,已成為當前社會政策的重要議題,其中供餐需求更是政府大力推動的政策;然而政策與實務行動之間出現了缺口,政府的福利大傘無法覆蓋所有有需求的老人,社區裡有更多供餐需求者,但因服務提供者不多,而處於供需不平衡的現況。本研究欲以一個社會企業形式的供餐方式來提供服務,不仰賴政府及民間捐贈,融合營運管理及非營利組織的精神,追求自給自足的獨立生存能力。 這幾年社會企業的概念雖然慢慢在台灣社會扎根,目前社會企業在台灣並無統一定義,不過,只要「社會企業」的價值能彰顯,社會企業的目的與非營利組織、社福機構的目的其實是殊途同歸,因為其主要精神在於能「看見社會議題」,進而「關懷社會議題」,除此,社會企業更強調的是營運模式與管理的議題,特別是財務規劃更是重要。 研究者採用實務界慣用之商業模式分析,包涵九個營運元素:關鍵合作夥伴、關鍵活動、價值主張、顧客關係、關鍵資源、目標客層、通路、成本結構、收益流,先對四個個案進行營運模式分析,選取可為本高齡者供餐方案提供參考之重要的商業元素,再以創業計畫進行創業投資模擬分析,結合社會企業營利與公益的精神,提供在地的餐飲服務,建構一個健康老化的社區。 以社區關懷協會供餐的方式已有先例,可見老人供餐確定是一股社會需求之潮流。本老人供餐方案有別於以往的經驗,將結合「社會企業思惟」與「老人供餐」二股風潮,做為老人食堂規畫基礎,以社會企業營利的手法達成社會目標與經濟目標,提供關懷老人餐飲問題、解決老人餐飲問題的另一種機會。 Taiwan has entered an aging society, with the well-being of the elderly becoming an important issue of social policy. However, there has been the gap between policy and practice, as the government's welfare umbrella can not cover all the needs. In this study, the author takes a social enterprise approach to provide meal service to the elderly, without relying on government funding and private donations. By the spirit of integrating resources and management of nonprofit organizations, the study intends to build an operation model in the pursuit of self-sufficiency and financial viability. The study adopts a popular business model analysis proposed by Osterwalder & Pigneur (2012) to cover nice elements:Customer Segments、Value Proposition、Channels、Customer Relationships、Revenue Streams、Key Resources、Key Activities、Key Partners、Cost Structure. The author first selected four cases, which were relevant to elderly meal service programs; the key elements of these cases were analyzed to provide important references to the commercial factors.Subsequently, a venture business plan was proposed as the core of this study, with simulation analysis.