本研究旨在以學校志工參與志願服務經驗為研究主題,探究學校志工參與的動機、志工團的運作歷程,並將志工團面臨的的困境及使用的策略進行分析,以及志工參與服務後個人與家庭的改變。研究發現,家人的支持、同儕互動關係良好、學校能配合志工服務時間給予即時的回應及滿足個人的內在需求,使其產生的認同感與歸屬感則是志工持續參與服務的因素。依據結論,本研究建議個案學校應結合校內外相關進修課程,滿足學校志工需求,強化志工團運作機制與開發、整合人力資源。學校志工則要發自內心參與服務並遵從組織規範,並持續參與進修提昇個人專業素養與服務品質。未來研究可朝向學校志工專業知能或技能提升之研究。並輔以量的普查方式進行研究,針對學校志工全面調查,提升研究的推論性與參考價值。 This qualitative study is set to understand school volunteers’ motivation and analyze what allow volunteers to participate continuously. Via semi-structured interviews, the study identifies the process of the volunteers’ service participation, and also a variety of problems and difficulties in providing services. Various factors are found to enhance volunteers’ cohesion and their willingness for continual services, such as family support, positive peer interaction, as well as attitude and commitment from the school administration. Based on the findings, the study suggests school volunteer program should be designed in a holistic approach, allowing both resources (such as human resources, and training resources) flow across school boundary. Enhancing the service quality and upholding volunteering value are also key factors. Future research could move further on the ability and skill of schools volunteers and related professional training.