本研究旨在探討「高齡化受刑人的醫療及處遇」,以瞭解高齡受刑人在看守所內的醫療照護及生、心理需求分析。在確立研究問題方向與焦點後,研究者以某看守所內三位高齡受刑人及三位矯正人員為研究對象,使用質性研究之深度訪談法蒐集資料,期望能深入了解受訪者想法與其所建構的意義世界。最後呈現本研究結果發現臚列如下:一、醫療需求方面:1、高齡受刑人在看守所內的就醫次數相較於年輕的受刑人來得頻繁,對於看守所所內所提供的醫療設備認為是不足夠的。2、對於成立老人的醫療專區或專業監獄的看法,贊成的受訪者是希望讓醫療回歸專業,反對的則是擔心沒有足夠的配套措施。二、生理需求方面:高齡受刑人在入所後的生活作息,大致上和其他的受刑人無明顯差異,但是容易在衛生習慣上和其他受刑人有所磨擦。 三、心理需求方面: 高齡受刑人對教化活動及宗教教誨方面的活動並非太熱衷,而親友的固定接見及通信具有支持、安撫的作用。 In order to understand the health care and the physiological and psychological needs of elderly inmates in the detention center, this research is investigating “the health care and treatment of elderly inmates”. After the research questions and directions were clarified and focused, 3 guard officers and 3 elderly inmates were chosen. The in-depth interview of qualitative research was used to collect data, and the data will demonstrate deeply the interviewees’ thoughts and their meaningful inner world. The results were summarized as follows:1.The health care(1)In the detention center, the elderly inmates go to a doctor are more often than the younger inmates, and they think the medical service is not enough.(2)About setting the medical area or specialized medical center for elderly inmates, the proponents hope the healthcare work should return to the professional, and the opponents worry about the lack of complementary measures.2.Physiological needThe lifestyle of elderly inmates is generally in common with others in the detention center, but they easily disagree with the personal hygiene of others.3.Psychological need Elderly inmates are not interested in inculcation activities and religious education; however, granted an interview and correspondence with friends and family can support and appease them.