本研究旨在瞭解台南市國小資源班教師工作價值觀與工作壓力之研究,探討不同背景變項之台南市國小資源班教師工作價值觀與工作壓力之差異情形,以及工作價值觀與工作壓力之相關情形。 本研究採用問卷調查方式,以台南市國小資源班教師為研究對象,發出紙本問卷199份,共回收151份,有效問卷124份,問卷回收率61%,問卷有效率為82.12%。主要的研究發現包括:一、台南市國小資源班教師工作價值觀有正向表現。二、台南市國小資源班教師工作壓力以「專業知能壓力」表現最高,其次依序為「適應變革壓力」、「自我期許壓力」、「人際壓力」與「時間壓力」並列第四;接著依序「工作負荷壓力」。三、「留任意願」、「擔任非營利組織的會員數」此二項背景變項,在整體工作價值觀上有顯著差異。四、台南市國小資源班年齡在「46歲以上」之教師在工作壓力感受上較低於其他年齡教師。五、台南市國小資源班任教年資在「21年以上」之教師在工作壓力感受上較低於其他任教年資教師。六、台南市國小資源班年捐款金額較多之教師在工作壓力感受上較低於其他年捐款金額較少教師。七、「婚姻狀況」、「職務性質」、「擔任非營利組織會員數」等3個個人背景變項,在工作壓力某些層面上有顯著差異。八、台南市國小資源班教師的工作價值觀與工作壓力間具相關性。 By using special education teachers in Tainan Elementary Schools as an example, this study examines the relationship between teachers’ work values and work stress of special education teachers. It also explores the differences of special education teachers’ personal background on work values and work stress. This study conducted a survey to collect data from special education teachers in in Tainan Elementary Schools. A total of 199 copies of questionnaires were sent out and 151 were returned. There were 124 valid questionnaires. The valid returns-ratio of questionnaires is about 82.12%. Major findings from this study are as follows: 1.The work values of special education teachers in Tainan Elementary Schools shows a positive relationship. 2.The work stress of special education teachers in Tainan Elementary Schools ranks highest in professional competence pressure, and next come to pressure to adapt to change, self-expectations pressure, interpersonal pressure and time pressure tied for fourth, workload pressure. 3.Personal background variables including willingness to stay, as members of several non-profit organizations has significant differences in work stress. 4.In Tainan, elementary school special education teachers who age teachers over 46 years of experience in the working pressure lower than other age teachers. 5.In Tainan, elementary school special education teachers who seniority teachers teach more than 21 years experience of working pressure on the lower seniority than other teachers teach. 6.In Tainan, elementary school special education teachers who donation amount per year large amount of work pressure on teachers feel lower donation amount per year amount less than other teachers 7.The following eight personal background variables including marital status, administrative duties, as a non-profit membership organization have significant differences in some level of the work stress. 8.There is a relationship between work values and work stress of special education teachers in Tainan Elementary Schools.