本研究以LINE使用者為研究對象,探討LINE使用動機及工作績效之關連性,並探討工作態度、有用性、易用性是否於使用動機與工作績效間產生中介效果。本研究以統計軟體對調查結果進行分析,並檢驗線性結構模型之配適度。驗證結果顯示,整體模型配適度達檢定水準,表示本研究的理論模型可獲得支持。 研究結果發現,使用動機對有用性、工作態度有顯著的正向影響;工作態度、有用性與易用性對工作績效有顯著的正向影響;有用性於易用性與工作績效間具有完全中介效果;工作態度於使用動機與工作績效間具有完全中介效果;有用性於使用動機與工作績效間亦具有完全中介效果。 This study was targeted at the user of social Application LINE. The subject of the study includes the correlation among social Application using motivation, usefulness, ease of use, work attitude and Job performance. It also explores if usefulness, ease of use, and work attitude could result in a media effect between using motivation and Job performance. This study used questionnaires and statistical analysis using SPSS and AMOS software as a tool to carry out the research hypothesis testing. Result found that: using motivation has a significant positive effect on usefulness and work attitude; Usefulness and ease of use has a significant positive effect on Job performance. Usefulness had fully mediated between ease of use and work performance; Both Work attitude and usefulness had fully mediated between using motivation and Job performance.