本論文以梵語本Sukhāvatīvyūha(即小《樂有莊嚴》)為參考依據,探討淨土宗的念佛、淨土、往生等諸解脫相關概念都非一成不變真理,而是隨時間而有增刪變化。本文也嘗試引用當代宗教心理學的理論,正面論述此宗解脫學說帶給信徒的身心效益,藉此反思現代蓮友追求往生現象及其價值。 With reference to the Sanskrit text The Smaller Sukhāvatīvyūha, this thesis explores the fact that the soteriological notions of the Pureland Buddhism, including but not limited to the chanting of the Buddha’s names, purelands and rebirth, are ever-changing in retrospect. It also attempts to illustrate the possible benefits brought about by the pureland soteriology by citing relevant theories of religious psychology. It concludes by reassessing the opposing positions that are poles apart and rethinking the value of the belief of rebirth in the pureland.