摘要: | 本論文主要是針對《六度集經》共六篇91章為主要的研究資料,進行文獻探討及義理研究。結合佛法與生命教育,分析《六度集經》的菩薩行思想,以寓言故事與譬喻善巧方便呈現六波羅蜜的進路,亦能對當代生命教育產生啟發作用。 生命教育是近十幾年來才受到社會關切的重要議題,教育部定西元2001年為「生命教育年」將生命教育納入學校正式課程。然而在佛教裡,早在二千五百多年前佛陀宣說的「緣起法」,就已說明「生命是彼此相互關係的存在」,佛教關注生命教育,關心人的生.老.病.死、引導生命的性質、生命的意義、生死觀照、生命安頓與自在解脫,佛教是最究竟的生命教育。 以生命教育來叩《六度集經》這部經典,研究所得歸納為四點: 一、佛教本生故事對生命教育的啟發在潛移默化,促進自覺。佛陀注重自覺教育,在《六度集經》中,教導人深奧難懂的道理,都使用敘事、寓言故事、譬喻、象徵式的語言,以故事來傳遞法義,理事圓融,令人領悟,心開意解,在潛移默化中建立生命價值觀,學習創造自己的價值,學習做自己生命的貴人,進而自覺與行佛。這是生命與生命的對話,最好的生命教育啟發。 二、對「生命教育」和佛法結合的意義,能夠了解生命的原理「三世因果」,人不是僅只一世的存在,始能從根源上解決生命問題。生命教育注重全人化,注重「身心靈」整體健康和諧,強調有意義、有方向、有目標的人生。全人觀的本質是「靈性」勝過「物質性」。佛教認為「生命不死」,法身久住,慧命無量,會死的只是肉體的生命,佛性的生命是永恆不滅的。能夠了解生命的原理「三世因果」,才不至於率性而為「只要我喜歡,有什麼不可以!」才能尊重生命,把握今生,而且有了佛法的正向引導,在日常生活中實踐六波羅蜜,更能活出意義,活出價值,提昇「生命的層次」創造更美好的未來! 三、《六度集經》標榜生命教育的最高典範,效法佛陀的人格精神,呈現的生命教育思想有:「六度四攝」是「疾得為佛」的菩薩行門。「布施」財施、法施、無畏施。「持戒」身口意三戒、五戒、六齋日、八關齋戒、十善法、佛戒。「忍辱」生忍、法忍、無生法忍。「精進」身精進、心精進。「禪定」一禪、二禪、三禪、四禪。「般若」世間智、出世間慧、方便智。「四攝法」包括布施攝、愛語攝、利行攝、同事攝。 四、《六度集經》對生命教育極有啟發性,我們對人生意義、態度、價值徬徨,甚至遇到生命中生、老、病、死的問題,都可以從本經中得到啟示而心開意解,認識生命的實相;了知「菩薩畏因,眾生畏果」的原理,而能防患於未然。本經六度四攝菩薩行,富有思想性、教育性,具有歷史意義的深遠性、中國文化的影響性、人間佛教的理念性,言簡義賅,寓教於樂,能啟發當代生命教育思想。對學者專家提倡的生命教育之人與自己、人與他人、人與社會、人與自然、人與宇宙,五大向度的啟發,極具啟發作用。 This paper will try to study the thoughts of the discipline of the bodhisattva in A Collection of the Six Perfections and its inspiration to contemporary Life Education. Comparing and analyzing A Collection of the Six Perfections in view of life education, we can see the fables and metaphor skillfuls for illustrating the Six Pāramitās (Six Perfections) in A Collection of the Six Perfections will inspire much to our contemporary Life Education. We get four viewpoints as below: First, life education can be inspired by Buddhist Jātaka tales: Buddha focuses on enlightenment for self. In A Collection of the Six Perfections, many narrative, fables, metaphors, symbolic languages are used in order to convey the esoteric truth. It is much easier for readers to comprehend the meaningfulness of Buddha and to establish life values imperceptibly, and then get enlightenment for self. The dialogue between life and life will be the best way to inspire Life Education. Second, the meaningfulness of blending buddhadharma withLife Education: the Life Education emphasizes holistic education, harmony among body, mind and spirit and meaningful, direction, goals in life. Holistic view is spirituality more important than materiality. Buddhism believes that life is eternal, the wisdom-life of the dharmakāya is forever. Physical life will pass by, the life of buddhadharma is perpetual. The power of Karma is like a rope, which linkes life after life. The saying goes: We are what we have done and we will become what we’ve done. When we understand the principle of life--Karma, we can solve the fundamental problems of our life: respect each beings, seize our present life, live out the meaning and the value of life, and create a better future. Third, A Collection of the Six Perfections illustrates the idea of Life Education : The Sūtra points out the highest Paragon of life Education, learning the spirit of the Buddha's personality. “Six Perfections” and “Four all-embracing bodhisattva virtues” together is “the quick wat to become Buddha”. The Six Pāramitās (Six Perfections) are: generosity, ethics, patience, enthusiastic, perseverance(dhyāna), concentration and wisdom(prajñā). Generosity: almsgiving, truth-giving, and courage-giving. Ethics: the three sets of commandments, the five sets of commandments, the six monthly poṣadha, the first eight of the ten commandments, the ten good characteristics, the moral commandments of the Buddha. Patience: common or ordinary patience, patience attained through dharma, patience for full apprehension, idem mouth and mind. Enthusiastic: enthusiastic of body and mind. Perseverance(dhyāna): the first dhyāna, the second dhyāna, the third dhyāna, the fourth dhyāna. Concentration and wisdom(prajñā):ordinary wisdom, supra-mundane wisdom, temporal wisdom. As for the Four All-Embracing bodhisattva virtues, it include dāna (giving what others want, in order to lead them to love and receive the truth), priyavacana (affctionate, speech, with the same purpose), arthakṛtya, (conduct profitable to others, with the same purpose), samānārthatā (co-operation with and adaptation of oneself to others). Fourth, A Collection of the Six Perfections inspires for life education: the Six Perfections, Four All-Embracing bodhisattva virtues and the discipline of the bodhisattva presented in this Sūtra are richful in ideological, educational, historical issues. It brings great impact for Chinese culture and philosophy of Humanistic Buddhism. Its entertaining and educational thoughts might inspire much for modern Life Education scholars and experts in those five dimensions: man and himself, man and others, man and society, man and nature, man and the universe. |