清朝初期統治臺灣採消極建設,並不積極管理,官府維持治安的能力薄弱,盜匪搶掠及分類械鬥四起,導致臺灣社會長期處於動盪不安的狀態,位於西螺地區的張廖族人為了自救便有聯防組織的概念,以附近庄頭結合成一角落,總共將張廖姓二十五庄頭區分成七個角落,合稱為「西螺七嵌」。為了保衛家園,各角落的村民聘請武師傳授武術於農閒時練武強身,抵抗盜匪作亂,各庄的武力逐漸形成,紛紛建立武館,保障村民的生命財產安全,武館成為當時地方防衛的重要組織,也造就當地的武藝發展。 但隨著社會環境變遷及人為等因素,西螺七嵌武術逐漸衰微,傳統武術的文化價值及內涵,逐漸被一般人遺忘,導致武術相關的人才、技藝、知識流失,造成武術世代的傳承產生斷層危機。西螺七嵌武術是雲林的文化特色,雲林縣政府已開始注重地方文化特色,推動武術文化的扎根工作,除了舉行武術方面的展演示範活動,也鼓勵在地學校成立武術隊培養武術種子,在西螺區的各國中小都有安排西螺七嵌武術的相關活動,藉此推廣武術運動,鍛鍊體魄,讓武術文化得以永續發展。 本研究旨在討論西螺七嵌武術在社會環境變遷之下逐漸衰微,如何在學校推廣武術精神文化,透過深度訪談、參與觀察的方式,探討西螺七嵌武術在學校教育的推廣及其發展過程。 Due to the passive administration over Taiwan and the weak credibility to maintain stability during the early Qing dynasty, continuous riots and battles had aroused, which had plagued Taiwaneses with unease and struggles. Chang and Liao people living in SiLuo township hence developed the concept of joint prevention organizations for self-defending. The total twenty five Chang and Liao villages were divided into seven groups, which attributed to the name of Siluo Chi-kan. An idea to protect their homelands had emerged. During villagers’ spare time, martial arts mentors were hired to teach villagers for training and defending. Thus, numerous martial arts institutions which ensured people’s safety were established as a result of the burgeoning force in every village. The martial arts institutions had become essential in governing settlement during that period of time. Therefore, it led to the development of martial arts in this region. However, because of the indicators such as the changes in society and individuals , the martial arts of SiLuo Chi-kan has fallen out of style. The cultural value and elements of traditional martial arts have been forgotten. Therefore, the human resource, skills and knowledge related to martial arts were also lost. The generation to generation legacy of martial arts has drop and cause the crisis. The martial arts of Siluo Chi-kan is the cultural highlight in Yunlin. The government has begun to emphasize the cultural special elements in Yunlin county and thus the rooting of martial arts has been carried out. In addition to the demonstration and performance of martial arts, schools are also encouraged to form martial arts groups. To revive the martial arts, many activities related to Siluo Chi-kan martial arts are held in every junior high and elementary schools in Siluo. This study aims to discuss how to promote the spirits and the culture of martial arts in schools, notwithstanding the decline of interests toward Siluo Chi-kan martial arts due to social changes. The promotion and the development of Siluo Chi-kan martial arts in schools’ education are reviewed by means of perspective interviews, involvements, and observations.