本研究主要是探討弱勢家庭學生在休閒參與、休閒阻礙及休閒滿意度之現況,以及家庭背景、休閒參與及休閒阻礙與休閒滿意度之間的相關性。近年來研究生在校園中發現弱勢家庭學生佔有很高的比例,教育部也一直努力確保弱勢家庭學生之受教權益,然而對現今所有國中生而言,教育成就並不是生活中唯一的壓力,國中生需要適當的休閒管道抒發各種壓力。研究生以雲林縣水林國中學生為研究對象,編製「國中生休閒參與量表」、「國中生休閒阻礙量表」、「國中生休閒滿意度量表」為研究工具,共發放319份正式問卷,回收有效問卷313 份。之後利用單因子變異數、迴歸等統計分析,以非弱勢家庭學生為對照組,結果顯示:1.弱勢與非弱勢家庭學生最常參與的休閒構面皆為「家庭社交型」,最常參與的活動大致相同,包括有聽音樂、騎自行車、散步、與家人或朋友聚會聊天等。2.弱勢與非弱勢家庭學生休閒參與的最大阻礙構面皆為「結構性阻礙」,且兩者在休閒阻礙整體上有顯著差異,弱勢家庭學生遇到的休閒阻礙大於非弱勢家庭學生。3.弱勢與非弱勢家庭學生休閒參與獲得的休閒滿意度最高的構面皆是「心理教育」,且兩者沒有顯著差異。4.休閒參與中「戶外遊憩型」活動對於休閒滿意度有顯著的正向預測力5.休閒阻礙中「個人內在阻礙」及「人際阻礙」構面對於休閒滿意度有顯著的負向預測力。最後提出建議給學校及社會機構參考,以期使學生於休閒參與有更多的機會與便利性。 This study focused on vulnerable family junior high school students and non- disadvantaged family students’ " leisure participation ", "leisure obstruction", " leisure satisfaction " and if there are significant differences between the groups. In recent years,the Ministry of Education has been working to ensure that the interests of disadvantaged groups of students are taken care of, but at the moment, for all countries in terms of students , educational achievement in life is not the only pressure. Junior high school students also express the need for appropriate recreational activities to release pressures . The Yunlin County Shuilin Junior High School students , of the 103 school year were given a survey focusing on " Junior High School Students’ Leisure Participation Scale ", " Junior High School Students’ Leisure Obstruction Scale ", " Junior High School Students’ Leisure Satisfaction Scale " as a research tool. The students were divided into vulnerable family students and non- disadvantaged family students. The use of statistical analysis ANOVA , regression showed that vulnerable family students and non- disadvantaged family students’ " leisure participation " and " leisure satisfaction "showed an insignificant difference , only " leisure obstruction " showed an significant differences . And" leisure participation " increase " leisure satisfaction ", " leisure obstruction " reduce " leisure satisfaction "