本研究旨在了解國小學童家庭休閒參與的現況及其與親子依附間的相關,並且比較不同背景的國小學童在家庭休閒參與及親子依附關係間的差異情形。研究中以雲林縣虎尾地區國小之高年級學童共計524名為研究對象,並以「家庭休閒參與量表」及「國小學童依附關係量表」為研究工具測量之。所得資料以統計方法進行分析與統計考驗。研究發現:一、國小學童最常從事消遣性家庭休閒活動。二、不同性別、年級、或家庭社經地位之學童在家庭休閒參與和親子依附關係皆有差異性。三、學童之家庭休閒參與和親子依附行為有相關存在。四、學童對父親的依附和對母親的依附有顯著正相關。以上研究結果期能提供政府在推動家庭休閒參與政策之參考,以及家庭休閒參與教育之推動。 The purpose of this study is to investigate the correlation between the Elementary school students in Family leisure participation and Parent-child attachment relationship, and to compare the d i ff erences in t h e correlation by gender, grade, Socio-economic status of parents. 524 pupils have been sampled from the high grade Elementary school students in the Huwei Township, Yunlin County. The instruments administered to the sub j ects are " Family leisure participation scale " and " Parent-child attachment relationship scale". The d a t a have been analyzed by means of statistical methods . The study found:I. One of the present favorite Family leisure participation the Elementary school students most is the Recreational Leisure activities. II. There is a diff erence between gender, grade, Socio-economic status of parents in Family leisure participation and Parent-child attachment relationship . III. The correlation exists between Family leisure participation and Parent-child attachment relationship.IV The correlation exists between father-child attachment relationship and mother-child attachment relationship. Ac cording to the results of th is study, the researcher wo uld like to d i scuss and advise for the future studies.